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A few hours later, Shang Qinghua unfortunately woke up.

Now, it's great to wake up and see Mobei Jun's face right in front of him, but currently, his mind is still trying to get over the fact that Mobei Jun is... in the mafia. Is the boss of the mafia.

Though now his richness makes sense, the bizarreness of his underlings (kind of) made sense, and the reason why his house/workplace/whatever it is looks the way it is also makes much more sense.

Well shit, he just went on a date with someone from the mafia. He was not expecting that to be the way his first date in literal years went. He's only been on one whole date in high school, with a girl named Ning Yingying when he still thought he liked women. Turns out, she decided she liked women and he realized he liked men after less than a month of dating. Really, that was only his second date—ever. With someone who does not so legal stuff on a daily basis. 


Just thinking about it made him, once again, pass out. This time, he woke up when the sun began to set. Somehow, he managed to pass out for even longer than before just by remembering what happened. Damn, this day is becoming weirder than ever.

Realizing Mobei Jun was still staring at him, Shang Qinghua shot up from the bed. Whose bed was he sitting on anyways? Was it... Mobei Jun's? Just the idea of it made a faint blush creep onto his face. "Sorry for fainting. Twice. I don't know what I was expecting, but it definitely wasn't that—no offense to you or anything! You can do whatever you wanna do! That was just kinda the last thing I was expecting to see when I asked to see where you work." He may have said all of that a bit too fast, seeing as he said all of it in one breath and Mobei Jun just continued to stare impassively at him.

"I, um, should probably get going now. Don't wanna take up too much of your time now..." moving to turn himself around to stand up, he was able to get a better view of the room and fully take in everything about it. Properly looking around at it, it probably is Mobei Jun's room. It seems exactly like Shang Qinghua imagined it. Not that he's ever imagined what his room might look like. Or what other things could be done in it. Nope, never done that. He didn't start fantasizing about what his room looks like, what his bed feels like, what he felt like—NOPE. Not going down that rabbit hole again. He's still sitting on Mobei Jun's potential bed. With him staring at him. Now is not the time for him to be thinking like this. Especially after fainting twice in front of him after finding out about his job. No, he can save all of his fantasies for later, once he's alone in his room again. There, he can let them go wild.

Until then, he should probably stop staring at the wall and move. Maybe get off the bed too.

Willing himself to not crumble under the stare of Mobei Jun, he carefully stood up and turned around as quickly as possible to not have to look at Mobei Jun. Seeing that he messed up Mobei Jun's bed(?), of course Shang QInghua decided to fix it. So without looking up at anything except for the crumpled sheets, he delicately smoothed out the creases and adjusted them, fluffing up the pillows in the process.

Finishing, as quickly as he first turned around, he spun again, this time to face the sliding door... right beside Mobei Jun.

Yep. He can do this. No need to succumb to the embarrassment/slight fear/maybe arousal (he may have just discovered some new things he may be into. Something he's going to explore very soon). It's totally fine.

"I guess I should head out now—for real this time instead of staring at everything here." With both his index fingers, he pointed towards the door he's slowly inching towards. "Don't wanna be a bother any longer than I already am, ha ha."

Still staying silent, Mobei Jun stood up and opened the door for him.

After taking one whole step, a group of people identical to the ones that greeted them before appeared in front of the door like magic. Just like before, they were in two separate lines, creating a pathway for the two of them to walk through. Although, unlike before, this time they were on their knees, hands pressed firmly to their thighs and bowing again. Once again, extremely weirded out, Shang QInghua decided to shove all of these feelings deep, deep inside him. He'll scream them out on his pillow at home.

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