~~The Perfect Night (Part-1)~~

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AN: This is an AU for the Episode: Party Dancecapades!
This is my first one shot and a book in general. I hope you'd enjoy!

The Sun shone bright upon the land on a peaceful day of the spring, when a group of friends decided to put their journeys at a rest nearby a Pokemon Center. A young trainer with messy raven hair, wearing a blue jacket with white accents on a black shirt, a pair of black pants and red sneakers got his Pokemons healed at the Center.

His trusty little pal, Pikachu hopped on his shoulder joyfully nuzzling his trainer's neck as he was just coming out of the Pokemon Center's doors to see his friends whom they called the 'Blonde Siblings' : Clemont, a trainer slightly older than ash, wearing a blue jumpsuit and round glasses with a white backpack he had currently kept on the floor, and his young sister Bonnie wearing a brown top and a white skirt almost looking like the frubbles of a Froakie carrying a yellow pouch holding a Dedenne relaxing in its comfy little home. The siblings were busy preparing and arranging plates and stuff for the meal.

But their one friend, lied inside the Pokemon Center, sitting on one of the seats grooming her Pokemon one by one. She had short caramel blonde hair that reached just above her shoulders, her eyes were cerulean blue, wearing a red sleeveless overcoat over her pink dress and a blue ribbon tied to the top of her pink dress right below her neck. Even though she had a task in her hands, her eyes were distracted, dreamily looking through the window of the Pokemon Center directly at the raven-haired boy, the boy being none other than Ash Ketchum who had taken his Pokemons out for a light training session before food.

 Even though she had a task in her hands, her eyes were distracted, dreamily looking through the window of the Pokemon Center directly at the raven-haired boy, the boy being none other than Ash Ketchum who had taken his Pokemons out for a light tr...

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(Just imagine this but in a Pokemon Center)

"Ash..." She thought, looking at her childhood crush, from the day when he had saved her in a forest till this day, she had a crush on him.... no at this point, she loved him. Suddenly she snapped out of it as her Braixen, whom she was grooming called out to her almost worryingly. She assured her and her other Pokemons that she was fine as she continued grooming the fire fox. It wasn't that her Pokemon's were unaware of their trainer's feeling either, they knew that she felt something for the boy but Braixen shrugged it off wanting to get brushed as soon as possible.

"Serena!" Ash called out to the girl in the Pokemon Center, telling her that food was ready. She quickly packed up after grooming Braixen and headed for the meal. They had quite a great meal as usual and Ash and the gang were once again ready to head out. It was just then when it clicked Serena that she should check for any updates regarding the next Pokemon Showcases. She told her friends to wait right there as she checked the computer at the Pokemon Center to check for updates. And to her surprise, there was an update, however it was something out of the ordinary.

Serena's Pokemons still out, waited as she clicked the notification and a video popped up. It was none other than Monsieur Pierre inviting all aspiring performers to his mansion for a dance party, however in order to participate, each attendant and their Pokemon was required to bring a date. Hearing it, she immediately blushed, which was expected. However, what wasn't expected was Braixen's blushing. Before Serena could even notice it, she brought her Pokemons back to their respective Pokeballs. Right after, Braixen came out again this time bringing her attention to a now surprised Serena.

"Braixen, are you alright?" Serena asked concerned to which Braixen nodded. Then Braixen started talking in her tongue "Brai Braixen!" assuring her. Serena investigated further, "Then is there anything bothering you?" "Brai Brai!" She answered while imitating the action of dancing. Serena's blush came back to life as she hesitantly said, "Ye-Yeah the dance party, what about it?" Braixen looked towards Ash's Frogadier with an intense blush, from the same window she was staring through earlier. Serena understood her sign, chuckled lightly and asked, "Oh you wanna dance with Frogadier don't you?" Braixen nodded again.

Though she understood what she had to get done now, it didn't take her much long to realize that she would have to ask Ash to be her date, to the thought of which she blushed intensely. But it also felt to her a chance way too good to be missed. So she told her Braixen not to worry, for she will arrange it all, smiling. But when she stepped out of the Pokemon Center along with her Braixen, Ash turned around to call her over as she slowly started getting lost in his auburn eyes once again... only to be brought back to her senses by the poke of Braixen's stick. Frogadier was standing right beside him and it was quite the hilarious sight seeing both Serena and her Braixen blushing towards their respective crushes.

"Hey Serena! I was just heading over to call you over. Any updates about your Showcases?" He asked, forming his iconic grin that Serena could die for. But the whole deal about her nervousness was the update itself that she had received and now it was too late to step back, she wanted to ask Ash to be his date, if not for herself, then for her Braixen. She began hesitantly, "Yea- Yeah Ash. So Braixen was wondering if..." before she could continue, Braixen tried to cover up arguing to her trainer. She knew way too well that her trainer was using her to also ask Ash out which led to a small argument between them.

It only took Ash a minute to interrupt saying "You two look so cute arguing with each other." while releasing a small chuckle to himself. With Frogadier nodding in agreement, smiling. 

(The truth was Ash had been feeling a sense of strange happiness around Serena too, it was like he could feel the fluttering of a million Butterfrees when he was around her, when he saw her smile, he would feel a fuzzy feeling that made him warm from the inside. He was aware that he felt something special for her but he was also quite well at hiding that.)

Serena and Braixen flinched and blushed once more almost in unison, reacting to the words of the raven-haired boy and his Frog Pokemon's agreement. It was then when the young one of the Blonde Siblings joined in the conversation and so did her elder brother. "Guys, what's going on?" Clemont asked when Bonnie noticed both Serena's and Braixen's blushes. She revealed an evil smug and asked in a singsong voice, "Hey Serena~~ what were you talking about~~"

Serena calmed herself down, she looked at Braixen and they both nodded, Braixen had lost her will to defend herself at this point and she let Serena speak this time, "Hey Ash... Monsieur Pierre has invited Performers to attend a dance party at his mansion and I really wanna attend it." "Oh awesome!" fist pumped Ash. "But he's asked all of us to come with a date for ourselves and our Pokemons and it seems that Braixen wants to go with Frogadier." All of their stares now turned to Braixen who was nervously playing with her furry paws. Serena continued after taking a deep breath, "So... Ash, would you want to be my date?"

"Want to? I'd love to! And I am sure Frogadier would too! Right buddy?" He said looking at Frogadier, to which Frogadier nodded quite more happily than he had ever been. The young Bonnie fangirled over the situation, squealing that Serena asked Ash to be her date and that Ash accepted. She was even about to scream in excitement before Clemont put an end to her fangirling moment by dragging her with the Aipom arm on his backpack saying, "Not now right Bonnie!" also with a playful smile.

 She was even about to scream in excitement before Clemont put an end to her fangirling moment by dragging her with the Aipom arm on his backpack saying, "Not now right Bonnie!" also with a playful smile

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To be Continued...

AN: Honestly, it was a blast writing this one shot's part 1! I hope you liked my work and I hope to get better as I write more but till then...

~Happy Shipping!

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