~~To Save an Amour~~

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(In Ancient Kalos, Pokemon were rather uncommon in kingdoms and only seasonally arriving Pokemon such as the yearly group of Floette were allowed to pass through the kingdoms. Aegislash were an exception since each kingdom had an Aegislash to crown their emperors. Once upon a time, a prince who newly became king named Mathew fell in love with the princess of an enemy kingdom, Amelia. Despite their differences, they met each other regularly. However, one night Amelia's father found out about her love for Mathew. He wanted to use her to put an end to Mathew's empire. The same night she left and ran to Mathew's kingdom. She couldn't let her father use her. Soon after she informed Mathew about the incident. The kingdom prepared for an unexpected war.

When the emperor found out that Amelia had run away, he began preparing his army for war. As per war ethics, they were meant to not involve any Pokemon in the war. However, Amelia's father was ready to use crooked means to make his way to victory. His army captured Pokemon such as Mightyeana, Arbok and many others of the like. When it was the day of war, Mathew's army was easily outnumbered and easily outpowered.

Mathew held Amelia's hand and stood up to face her father himself. He didn't care and commanded his army of Pokemon to attack at once. Amelia hugged Mathew like it would be their last time and they closed their eyes in each other's embrace to bear the impact. Moments later, to their surprise, they were able to open their eyes and saw the kingdom's Aegislash standing in front of them. It slashed through the attacks and being the regal Pokemon it was, commanded the mostly dark and poison types to return at once. Now the crooked emperor stood alone as it was ended by the Aegislash itself. The war was over... peace was restored once more, and Amelia could now live happily with the love of her life Mathew.

However, the Aegislash had taken serious damage from the war. The dark types' moves had an evil impact on it. He slowly turned to stone right in front of the royalty lovebirds.

Mathew and Amelia built a monument at the heart of the kingdom with the stone turned Aegislash lying on it to celebrate the valour of the Pokemon who died protecting their lives and their love

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Mathew and Amelia built a monument at the heart of the kingdom with the stone turned Aegislash lying on it to celebrate the valour of the Pokemon who died protecting their lives and their love.

It is believed that when a true lover will protect the love of their life, the Aegislash will be revived once again.)

Serena read the brochure as the Kalos gang went on their way to a traditional Kalosian festival recommended to them by their good friend Sawyer. "An Aegislash huh, awesome!" Ash said as he turned to his friends: Serena, Clemont and the young Bonnie walking behind him. "What are we waiting for, lets go!" Ash yelled excitedly as he ran with Pikachu following. Serena and Bonnie followed behind with Clemont... well, he was being Clemont on his pace with the eventual panting and stuff.

Soon after, they reached the city where the festival was being held. The city looked yet so medieval as if they were in the past themselves. Soon they took a little break at the Pokemon Center and headed to the heart of the city: The monument near which the festival would be held. They saw a huge castle and were sure thats where the festival was being held.

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