~~Love Does Not Win Always~~

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Author's Notes: A little note from my side before we start. More at the end and feel free to skip if you'd like. Enjoy! 

Hello everyone, its been a while I know since I published, and I also know some people suggested me ideas and whatnot but my life has been a mess recently. Hence I am also thinking this might be the finale of this one shots book. Its not because I don't enjoy Satosere anymore, absolutely not! I still love them just as much as I did before. Its just that I am no more the old me. My love for the ship never changed, I did though. Plus I am depressed (kind of). So yeah. Over this time I changed quite a ton so its also gonna be a slightly different style of writing than my usual.


So here comes the story.
It takes place in Ash's perspective.
Its set around a school setting.

3 years.... 3 years since I first felt something for her. The world recovered from the pandemic. People and Pokemon  returned to the ways we were. Schools, colleges and all sorts of institutions started opening up again. It was then, when I saw her again, after a long time. Serena.... The girl who had been a friend of mine before too but when we all returned, I felt something different. I felt as if what the movies said was true. I felt like for the first time, I fell in love.

For the first year, no one knew. Neither did I think of telling everyone. That is until a friend of mine started catching onto how I behaved around her. I mean who could blame me! She was gorgeous! Her eyes, her hair, her smile, her everything! She was so kind to all of us and to the Pokemon. Not only that, she was a performer! Every time she performed. I gazed at her and her dress. I'd soon lose myself and daydream. When I'd be around her my breath would stop. I'd be happier. I'd just be nicer in general. And soon Brendan confronted me of him knowing about it. He'd tease me every now and then. But he soon left the school we studied in. But what he didn't miss was the chance to spill the tea to my best friend Gary who hadn't known it all this time! And when he did knew, he did everything in his power to tease me at any point. Though being a good friend, he never told anyone else.

Its now the second last year in this school and till this day no one knew other than Gary, Brendan and my pal Pikachu. And honestly, Pikachu was always there for me, he'd given me the boost in confidence I needed since he was around me most of the time. He was there when I had confronted matters on the spot. On the other hand, Gary may have teased me a lot, but he was there for me when I told him about stuff every now and then. He gave me confidence and whatnot like ,"You'd get along with her soon, just keep trying!" and things like that. But somewhere deep down, I knew I was failing. Me and Serena studied in the same class, because we both opted to pursue studying sciences. But still, every hint I dropped at her, she wouldn't pick it. And every time, I was left defeated. But still I didn't give up. 

I thought maybe I could impress her if I was smarter, sharper and just overall.... better. Well, I try everyday. Everyday I try to study and get good at it. But I just am not that good at studies. I tell myself different. I tell myself to do better for myself, my parents, my family and for Serena. But every time I am disappointed when I see my results. But still, I didn't give up. 

Its October now and soon this year is about to end as well. Soon I'd be left with the last year in this school and the last year with her. But today, today I was shattered. For she had accepted someone else's proposal. She had said yes to Alain, the popular student from the room right next to ours. He was that kid with his Charizard and all the girls wanted him. And even though I already knew of Alain also feeling something for Serena, I always told myself, "Its alright Ash, you love her truly, and love always wins." 

I was too late. The girl I loved for 3 years chose someone whom she didn't even know much until this session. But at the end, no one is to blame her. I never made my move and he did. I now bear a guilt and even though Pikachu and Gary were there to console me, I felt hollow. It never felt any better. She now enjoys spending time with him. I see her smile when she's with him and somewhere or the other, I just felt like I had to let her go. For when someone loves a flower, he waters it not pluck it. And I just always wanted her to be happy.

Its now the final year and its ending soon. I neither am successful in terms of studies neither in terms of love. Serena went on a couple dates with Alain and she said she had a good time. And... I guess that's all I need to know. I loved you Serena, I truly did. But I guess you were just never meant to be mine truly. And perhaps it was for me who was wrong in thinking, "Love always wins."

~~Perhaps I should correct that, for love does not win always.~~


I know this one was like a kinda let down kind of story. But like its true. Not every lover has its destiny fulfilled. Not everyone gets what one wants. And somewhere or the other, its just a look into my life, what happened with me. The girl I loved is now someone else's. And I too like Ash have realised that perhaps love does not win always. It was fun writing this book. It really was, but I don't want to continue writing anymore, because somewhere or the other, my stories were a reflection of myself. They were perhaps my dreams, or made up scenarios with her - the Serena of my life. And now its too late.

Thank you all those who read my book and supported me, but all things come to an end someday. And today is the end of this journey. Thank you.

Yours truly-
Arcadian Gekkouga

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