~~The Perfect Night (Part-2)~~

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AN: This is the continuation of ~~The Perfect Night (Part-1)~~, thats what Part-2's for lol. Gosh I am such an idiot... Well, anyways, enjoy! 

Finally after a moment full of nervousness, Serena had asked Ash and Frogadier to be her and Braixen's dates. She was blushing furiously as our heroes headed towards the venue.

Ash couldn't stop thinking about being Serena's date. He was nervous, excited and happy. He just couldn't hold it. He felt he'd burst if this kept on. But he somehow kept his cool and kept moving ahead, often turning his gaze just a little to catch sight of Serena, smiling at her sight and continuing moving ahead once again.

Bonnie slowed her pace to catch up with Serena, whom she'd like to tease very much right now. She gave a smirk and said in a teasing tone, "Serena~~" Serena knew what was on Bonnie's mind and answered hesitantly, "Ye-Yeah?" "It seems like someone's really happy y'know ~~ Maybe not just you ~~ Maybe he is too~~" Serena blushed. Now looking at the boy right ahead of her. She gulped, hopeful that Bonnie may be right.

Frogadier and Braixen were walking along each other too. Both Braixen and Frogadier were silent, but it was a peaceful, warm silence. Frogadier would catch Braixen staring at him every now and then, and boy did the badass Ninja Frog feel nervous. He had felt nervous before any battle, but this was different. Although, they kept moving forward.

AN: I couldn't find an image of them holding hands together and walking and stuff

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AN: I couldn't find an image of them holding hands together and walking and stuff... So this will have to do.

Soon enough, they reached the mansion. All of the friends stared at the mansion in awe. It was during this when they heard an old friend of theirs, and rival to Serena, Miette saying, "Hi everyone!" "Oh hey Miette." Serena answered. She turned her gaze to Ash and tried saying in a flirted tone, "Hey Ash~~" Though he replied with a very casual "Hi", Serena already started getting jealous. Miette and Serena had a long going rivalry both for Pokemon Showcases and for Ash. Serena calmed herself down and asked if Miette would be joining the party to which she replied in the affirmative and asked, "So Serena~~ Who's your date?" Serena blushed but before she could answer, Ash jumped in saying, "I am! And Frogadier is Braixen's." with a smile.

Ash knew what Miette's intentions were: stealing him away from Serena, but he wouldn't let that happen. Serena, motivated once again by his charming smile, said, "Yeah Ash's my date." Miette came closer to Serena and whispered, "So I see~~ Something happened, didn't it?~" Serena blushed and screamed in embarrassment. She shrugged with a teasing face. Then she turned to Clemont, "Well, now that's settled, Clemont I don't have anyone to go with so would you like to be my date?" The surprised Clemont answered in shock, "Wha- What me?" Bonnie cheered, "Woohoo big brother!" He ended up saying yes. Bonnie was young and she didn't need to bring anyone with her and thus she excitedly said, "What are waiting for, let's go!"

 Bonnie was young and she didn't need to bring anyone with her and thus she excitedly said, "What are waiting for, let's go!"

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