~~The Family Treasure~~

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AU: Pokemons don't exist in this one shot. Super proud of it, hope you'll like it too!

It was a bright sunny day when a raven haired boy ran through the streets to reach his school. He was obviously getting late for school again. He checked the time before leaving from home and he had 5 minutes to make it. He believed 4 minutes had passed by now. As he ran, he barely made it in time as the school bell rang. "Ashy Boy! Late again huh?" Called out a brunette haired boy of around his age none other than his best pal Gary Oak. "Well, the bell rang just now so I am just on time!" He replied with a smile, fist bumping his best pal and sitting right beside him.

But he wasn't at peace yet. He looked around his classroom to find someone. He was quick enough to recognise the short honey blond hair of a girl and he waved towards her direction. Getting a wave back and a heartwarming smile from that girl finally put him at peace. It was just then the Biology Professor: Professor Oak entered the classroom, received a greeting from the students which he humbly paid back and began his lesson on (Enter another generic biology topic) Photosynthesis.

(Now, Ash wasn't someone super popular, but he did have quite a few friends: His best friend Gary, Goh, Brendan and Alain, and he did have some female friends too: Dawn, Misty, May and the aforementioned honey blonde haired girl, Serena. Serena always felt to him more than just a friend. She was special to him. Not only did she feel extremely beautiful to him, but she was a super nice person too. Yes sure, all of his friends were supportive and really nice, but it was something about Serena which he just could not explain. Serena felt similarly towards Ash too, but none of them felt confident enough to talk about it.)

Lessons went pretty normal and soon it was lunch break and as usual, the group of friends all gathered at one of the larger tables. Well, the boys at one and the girls were probably at some other, faraway table. Feeling that none of the girls were somewhere near them, Gary started, "So Ashy Boy, staring at Serena again huh." He let out with a small chuckle as he observed Ash doing just that. Ash snapped back in an embarrassed tone, "W- What? N- No I wa- Why would I stare at her?!" This made the rest of them let out a loud laugh. "Hey stop laughing!" Ash said a bit annoyedly.

"Sorry to have ruined your 'Stare at Serena' moment" Goh teased. "Oh shut up Goh..." Ash sighed annoyedly. "Fine... " Goh replied. "I don't even understand what you like about her, I mean, she's so boring." Brendan taunted with one of those evil mastermind smiles. He knew exactly what he wanted to get out of Ash. "Hey you take that back! She's not boring. She's... beautiful... kind... caring... smart... funny... " Ash started with an angry tone which turned to a much dreamier one as he started listing Serena's set of attributes. "She has good handwriting... one as wavy as her sea blue eyes ... She... " Ash snapped back to reality as he looked at his friends trying their best to hold their laughter. "This is your 6th time, you mentioned her writing and compared it to her eyes. That's a new one" Alain let out before laughing and joining the rest of the boys in their unison of laughter.

Ash was basically red from embarrassment at this point. He immediately finished his food and carried his backpack with him outside under the school tree where he enjoyed the shade. He put his cap down on his eyes so as to prevent sunlight from reaching his eyes.

The girls were finished with their food too and they decided to come out for a stroll too, y'know talking girl things such as the boys and such. But Serena wasn't really interested in the talk. She was busy staring at Ash lying in the shade of the tree. "Serena! Serena! Hey!" Dawn said to her as she jolted up. "Yeah? D- Dawn?" "We were asking you if you wanna hang out with us this Saturday, but it looks like you'd wanna spend time with somebody else." Dawn said as the girls giggled to themselves and Serena turned hot red. "W- What? Wh- Who would I wanna spend time wi- with?" She stuttered intensely as the girls looked towards where Serena was once looking. "Your lovely Ash of course." Misty winked. "Y'know what, lets leave the lovebirds to the shade of the tree." May suggested. "Great! See you soon Serena." The girls waved as they left her alone "Wai- Wait." was all she could let out.

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