Slay Your Demons

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Clarke was getting ready to go meet Bellamy when she overheard her father recording a message.

"... In this time of uncertainty, we shall come together as a people. I'm telling you this because you deserve to know the truth, and because my child, your child, our children deserve a future. Be strong."

"You're going to disobey the council?" Clarke asked walking into the room. "Don't lie. Okay, I heard you and mom."

"Listen, I've been thinking about this for a long time. The people have a right to know. Your mother doesn't want to try to understand."

"Okay. So what's the plan?"

"You don't need to know that."

"Are you gonna hack into the communications mainframe? I mean you did just make a video."


"This makes you either suicidal or incredibly dumb."

"Wow. What a fine moment to start behaving like a typical teenager."

"I'm going to help you."

"No. You're not." He said getting up from his chair and walking over to her.

"But I can..."

"No. Not this time, baby." He hugs her. "You get that stubborn streak from your mother, you know? One of the many things I love about my girls."

Suddenly the door is being opened and a group of guards storm in.

"Jake Griffin! You are under arrest for treason!"

"Dad!? Dad?!" Clarke struggled against the guards holding her back.


The guards arrested Jake and push him out of the door.

"I'll warn them!" Clarke stated. "I'll find a way!"

"No Clarke! Listen to me! Don't do that!"

"The people have a right to know!" She said throwing his words back at him.

"Sir? She seems to know."

"Lock her up!"

"NO!" Clarke yelled, then kicked the guard holding her in the knee, then ran out of the room to the place of execution to find her mother, and even Wells already there.

"Dad!" She cried then jumped into his arms.

Two guards pulled them apart. Abby quickly grabbed her daughter as they said goodbye to Jake. Clarke watched as the door closed and another one opened behind her father, pulling him into space, among the stars. She collapsed into her mother's arms.


Bellamy and Murphy were practicing throwing knives, at a tree. Murphy threw his knife at the tree and missed, as Jasper screamed in pain.

"Damn kid, messing with my head." He growled.

"He's not gonna last much longer, find a new excuse," Bellamy said then showed off by throwing his ax into the tree perfectly. "Now, that's how it's done."

"Bellamy!" Atom calls out. "We've looked a half-mile in all directions, no sign of Trina or Pascal. Could be those grounders."

"Or, they're in pound town." Murphy chuckled.

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