I Need You

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Three days had passed since the incident with Charlotte and Murphy, the camp was being run a little more smoothly by Clarke and Bellamy. Everyone understood that they were the leaders and that they finally had rules. During the last three days, Raven had made it down to Earth, the radio in the pod had been knocked out due to rough landing, so they tried flares, which didn't work, because soon after they watched as three-hundred-twenty bodies fell from space. Octavia had been kidnapped by a grounder, who was now locked up on the third level of the ship. Finn had been stabbed by that grounder, poisoned, and then saved by Clarke, Raven, and Octavia. Raven had established radio communication with the Ark, Clarke was the doctor, and Octavia had cut herself with the blade, getting the grounder to finally tell them which vial had the antidote, because he had some weird connection with the girl. Video communication had been established with the Ark and Clarke was now talking to the council.

"Tell us about the grounder. Can he provide any insight on how to survive the winter?" Jaha asked.

"Even if he did, one, I don't think he understands us, and two, they've locked him up because he had kidnapped one of our own," Clarke explained. "We've been gathering nuts and berries, curing meats, so in the end, we'll end up freezing before we starve."

"There's good news on that subject, blue. According to civil defense plans from before the war, there's an old emergency aid depot not far." Kane informed.

"In addition to supplies, it could provide shelter," Jaha added.

"What makes you think it's still intact?" Clarke questioned.

"It was designed to withstand nuclear warfare," Kane answered.

"I have to object." Diana Sydney spoke out, she was new on the council, former Chancellor, she took Abby's place and while Abby was saved from being floated by Jaha, she was removed from the council. "Project Exodus is underway. The kids should sit tight in their camp until the first ship lands."

"Even if everything goes without a hitch, the hundred would die from exposure before help arrives."

"Clarke, what other dangers, besides grounders are you facing down there?" Diana asked.

"Water creature, and clouds of acid fog. Which we have dealt with and escaped before... well not all of us. We lost three people to the acid fog. There is, unfortunately, no way to help other than to put them out of their misery." She informed. "But those are easier to deal with. We don't know what the grounders are going to do. They are our only real problem."

"We are proud of you all." Jaha smiled.

"How do you deal with people who have broken these rules you say you've come up with?" Diana raised an eyebrow.

"We don't kill them if that's what you're asking," Clarke answered, not knowing what Diana's angle was.

"Then what do you do?" Kane asked.

"We banish them. It's what we did to John Murphy." Clarke answered.

"What did John Murphy do?" Diana squinted her eyes.

"He tried to kill a little girl. Charlotte... I didn't know what her last name was..." Clarke began.

"Why was he trying to kill her?" Another council member asked.

"Charlotte... Charlotte was the one who murdered Wells." Clarke answered, not looking at the screen. "She was having nightmares about Jaha floating her parents, she misunderstood some advise one of us gave her and she killed him. I, along with a few others thought it was Murphy, as he was always threatening Wells, and even once got into a knife fight with him, so I confronted him and a group started to attack him. oddly enough, Charlotte had killed herself to save my life. Murphy had a knife to my throat."

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