This Is War Pt. 1

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"You know the first thing I'm gonna do when we get to the beach?" Miller asked, as the remaining kids of the hundred, were all walking through the forest together.

"No. What?" Another kid asked.

"I want to go surfing. I've read about it and seen it in movies and stuff. I just really want to try..." Miller was interrupted by Jasper.

"Quiet." Jasper hissed.

"No more woods. A view of the ocean. No more damn trees. Just pale, blue water." Miller continued.

"What's going on? Why are we stopping?" The other kid asked.

"I don't know," Miller answered.

"Keep your eyes open," Bellamy called out.

"I don't see..." The kid next to Miller was cut short when a circular blade had been thrown into his head, killing him.

"GROUNDERS!" Jasper roared.

"Move! Move!" Clarke shouted as everyone began running back to camp.

"I don't see anyone!" Monroe added to the commotion.

"They're right behind us!" Stix yelled.

"Go! Get behind the wall!" Bellamy ordered.

"Shut the gate!" Octavia yelled.

"Where are they!?" Stix asked from her position on the wall.

"Why aren't they attacking?" Miller asked.

"Because we're doing exactly what they want," Clarke growled.

"What are you talking about?" Jasper asked.

"Lincoln said the scouts would be the first to arrive," Octavia answered.

"If it's just scouts then we can fight our way out," Finn suggested.

"That's what Lincoln would do," Octavia replied, looking at Clarke.

"We're done doing what that grounder would do. We tried and now Drew is dead." Bellamy hissed. "You want to be next?" he asked looking at a group of kids gathered close to them.

"That grounder saved our lives," Clarke said, getting Bellamy's attention.

"For all we know, there's only one scout out there." Finn sighed.

"One scout with insanely good aim." Miller pointed out.

"Clarke we can still do this," Bellamy said to her.

Clarke got up on the wall and looked out. Watching. Waiting. Maybe an answer would come to her if she stared hard enough. Growing angry, she hopped down and sighed.

"Looking to you, Princess," Bellamy said, still waiting for an answer, not taking his eyes off of her.

"If we're still here when Tristan gets here..." Finn began.

"Scouts. More than one." Bellamy reminded him.

"Finn, they're already here." Clarke sighed, then turned to Bellamy. "Looks like you've got your fight, after all." She said, watching his eyes light up.

"Alright then. Listen up!" Bellamy shouted, turning to face the rest of the camp. "This is what we've been preparing for. Kill them before they kill us. Gunners, get to your posts! From now on the gate stays closed, no one in or out through it. Use the tunnels."

As everyone started moving around, getting ready for the fight, Bellamy spotted Octavia walking towards one of the tunnels, he quickly stopped her.

"Whoa, whoa, you're not a gunner." He said, looking her in the eye.

"No, I'm not," Octavia smirked. "Like you said, I'm a grounder."

Bellamy smiled, a rush of pride lighting up his face. "Let's get to those foxholes."


A few minutes later Bellamy found Clarke pacing on the third level of the dropship.

"This is stupid! They are the ones who started this war! By spearing and kidnapping Jasper, by killing our people. They started this war! Not me! Not us!" Clarke ranted, as she paced.

Bellamy watched Clarke, his anger growing. They hadn't actually started the war unless you count taking Lincoln, but that was because he took one of theirs. Bellamy knew that if any more died, she'd begin blaming everything on herself.

"But maybe if..." Clarke began, pulling him from his thoughts, then sighing.

"Maybe if, what?" He asked, clearly annoyed.

Clarke jumped, slightly startled by his sudden presence. "Maybe if I had just gone to the meeting on the bridge without..." She began, collecting herself.

"Excuse me?!" He exclaimed, cutting her off.

"Bellamy." She breathed.

"No!, Clarke, you don't get to do that! You did the right thing by telling me, and by trusting me! They would have tried to kill you either way."

"We don't know that!" She exclaimed.

"Yes, we do. Because that's what they are! Killers! Cold-blooded killers, Clarke. They aren't going to stop until we are all dead! Because we are invaders from space!"

Clarke sighed, she knew Bellamy was right, the grounders wouldn't stop killing their people, and what if the Ark somehow got down, they'd all die too, and for nothing. Clarke stepped forward, looking him in the eye. "Bell, if this is our last night, then I don't want to argue."

"Then let's not argue." He replied, still tense.

"One for the road?"

"We don't have any moonshine up here."

"Not a drink." She said, not taking her eyes away from Bellamy's.

Bellamy noticed the sad look in her eye and finally understood her. He quickly stepped forward and grabbed her face, kissing her with everything he had. All the passion; all the love he felt towards her, went into the kiss. He left no room for her to doubt that he had ever stopped loving her. And she did the same.

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