So Close, Yet So Far

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"Okay, I'm heading out," Clarke said, kissing her father's cheek.

"Where are you going?" Abby asked.

"To see Bellamy," Clarke answered, grabbing her bag. "Mom, don't..."

"I just don't think he's good for..."

"Why can't you just let me be with who I want?!"

"Sweetheart, I just don't think he can..."

"Mom, he comes from the same place as dad did."

"I understand that."

"Then why do you think he can't keep me happy?" Clarke asked. "Listen, Mom, I don't want to marry Wells. Okay? I don't even want to marry Bellamy. I don't want to marry anyone right now, I don't even want to think about it. I'm sixteen years old, and you make it seem like I can only date one person in my whole life, and then I have to marry that one person. Like I can't experience dating other people."

"Clarke, that's not what I meant."

"Whatever, I'm leaving. Bellamy's waiting." Clarke sighed, then walked out of the door.

Clarke walked until she reached Bellamy's door, then she knocked, and waited until the door opened. She smiled up at Bellamy, who came outside, into the hallway.

"Hey." She smiled. "I thought I was meeting..."

"I know. I just... my mom isn't okay with it." He sighed, lowering his voice. "I told her that you've known for two days, if you were going to turn us in, you would have done it already."

Clarke rose her eyebrow. "Or she understands that, and just doesn't want us together because I'm younger and the class I come from."

"No., Clarke, it's not that at all. She's just... she..."

"Doesn't trust me." Clarke finished.

"But I trust you."

"I know. And I trust you."

"Come on. She's actually excited to meet you. Octavia, I mean." He smiled.

The two walked into the room. Clarke looked at Bellamy's younger sister and smiled at her.

"Hi." Clarke held out her hand.

"Hey. So this is Clarke. The Princess?" Octavia asked, standing up.

"Again with that nickname?" Clarke asked, looking up at Bellamy.

"It's just... um... Mom, Octavia, this is Clarke Griffin. Clarke, my mom, and Octavia." Bellamy rubbed the back of his neck.

"So, Bell, tells me that you can draw."

"Yeah... sometimes."

"Can you draw me something?" Octavia asked.

"Sure." Clarke smiled. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Blake."

Bellamy smiled and watched as Clarke and Octavia walked over to the other side of the small room, and sat on the floor, as Clarke got her sketch pad and chalk out.

"Maybe she's not that bad." His mother whispered as she was walking out of the room.


"Is anyone else hearing this?" Monty asked through the radio.

"Just keep your eyes open!" Bellamy demanded.

"I think it's the same thing we heard in the black box," Monty added.

"Damn it! Monty, will you please pay attention?" Bellamy growled. "Do you see anything? Report!"

"Something's moving in the bushes," Raven announced, over the radio.

"Approach with caution," Bellamy warned.

Raven and Jasper slowly moved towards the bushes near them, Bellamy and Finn coming from the other direction. Raven pulled the bush back, revealing Myles, with arrows sticking out of his body.

"Myles?!" Raven exclaimed.

"Guys it's Myles," Jasper announced.

Bellamy ran over and knelt. "Myles? What happened? Where are Clarke and Octavia?"


"Hey, take it easy." Jasper patted Myles on the hand.

"We have to get him back to camp," Bellamy said, standing back up.

"What about the girls?" Finn asked.

"We need to make a stretcher," Bellamy replied, ignoring the question.

"Bellamy?" Raven asked. "What about the girls?"

"We're heading home, Monty," Bellamy spoke into the radio,

"Bellamy!" Finn exclaimed.


"Monty, come on, let's head back," Jasper said into his radio. "Monty? Monty are you there?"

"Jasper, he'll find his way back, lets go," Raven said giving him a small smile, as Finn and Bellamy carried Myles back to camp on the make-shift stretcher.


Clarke ran as fast as she could, not stopping to look behind her, avoiding everything in her way. Suddenly she was jerked into the air, hanging upside down. Watch your step. Bellamy words from earlier, the two of them had been outside of the gate, keeping an eye out while Jasper and Raven's land mines were being placed, ran through her head. Damn it! She thought.

"Come on! We have to get back to camp." She heard faintly.

She looked around, spotting Bellamy, Finn, Raven, and Jasper. Bellamy and Finn carrying a wounded Myles on a make-shift stretcher.

"Bellamy!" She tried to call out, but her throat was much dryer than she had thought. "Help!" She tried again.

"We should have gone looking for them," Finn stated, causing Bellamy to glare at him.

"We need to help Myles right now," Raven replied. "Then we will find a way to go get Clarke and Octavia."

"Please... help!" Clarke had tried to yell again.

"Did you hear that?" Jasper asked.

"Hear what?" Raven asked, getting her gun ready if she needed it.

"I thought I heard a voice," Jasper replied.

"Stay alert." Bellamy reminded them, as they continued to walk back to camp.

Clarke began crying as she hung there, she felt useless, weak, and scared. Her body felt like a ragdoll.

"Help!" She called one last time.

The four kept walking. Not hearing a thing.

Maybe she was already dead. Maybe she should just let go, she already felt herself floating away. Even though his sister was already gone, Bellamy wouldn't be mad, but he also wouldn't be sad enough to shut down, if she left too. At least that's what Clarke hoped before everything turned black and she felt nothing.

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