~ Chapter 4 ~

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As the day went on, I was bed ridden. However, I was currently in my personal bathroom, sitting in the big tub. I was washing all of the dried blood and marks I had on me. See, I was not that scared anymore, but anger couldn't help but evade my head. Learning that my parents put a price on my head for whatever reason made me angry beyond reasoning. How could a person do that to their own blood? I sighed out as the water suddenly made me feel too hot, and I didn't like it. I pulled the drain, getting out and quickly getting dressed after drying myself off. I walked out of the room, finding my phone and all my belongings in the room. I went to my jewelry box, seeing my butterfly necklace. I smiled at it, and put it on, sighing out contently. I grabbed my phone, stuffing it into my pocket as I walked out. 

I decided to go exploring, heading downstairs carefully. I didn't see anyone in sight and went towards the backdoor. Just as I was about to open it, a hand slammed against it, making me freeze. "Trying to escape again? You almost got killed the last time, right?" I heard Wooyoung's voice, and fear consumed me. "N-no. I was just going outside." I said, not turning around. He huffed, removing his hand. "Yeah, right. You get yourself killed out there, don't expect me to help." He said, walking away. I let out a breath, opening the door. I decided to just run to the forest, and I heard his shouts, then more shouts of the other members. I heard Wooyoung yelling that he was going to kill me and I ran quicker, landing myself at a waterfall.

 I heard Wooyoung yelling that he was going to kill me and I ran quicker, landing myself at a waterfall

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I stared in awe at it, the boys shouts growing distant. I sat on top of the rock, resting my head on my knees as I stared at the water flowing beautifully. I was staring at it for like a minute or two before I was tackled, screaming out as I was dragged under water. I struggled with the person, trying to hold my breath, but I couldn't anymore. I finally kicked the person off, quickly swimming to the surface. I dragged myself onto the rock, coughing out. "y/n!" Yunho yelled, rushing over. I coughed out all the water I inhaled, laying down after. "You almost killed me!" Wooyoung's voice yelled, and I stood up with the help of Yunho. I let out a yell of frustration, pushing Wooyoung off the rock and back into the water. "You are such an asshole!" I screamed at him as he came back up. He stayed silent, just looking up at me.

I huffed loudly, wringing my shirt out. "You have treated me like shit this entire time! I have done nothing to you! I didn't ask to get fucking kidnapped! I didn't ask any of you to buy me! I didn't ask for this bounty on my head..." I yelled, quieting down at the end. I was breathing pretty heavily from the adrenaline and the anger coursing through me. "y/n-" Yunho started, lightly grabbing my arm, but I shook him off me, looking back to Wooyoung. "I am sick and tired of you making me feel so worthless, and I am sick of you telling me I'm useless." I let out, my anger slowly going away. He was still floating in the water, staring at me like a ghost. Yunho sighed, rubbing my arm again. "Let's get you both inside before you get sick." He said, helping Wooyoung out of the water. I was already walking back, watching all the members look at me as I walked back to the house. "I said I wasn't running, but he chose to ignore me." I said as Hongjoong walked up to me. "It's alright. I trust you. Wooyoung just needs to warm up to you, and by the looks of it, you scared him straight." Hongjoong laughed, nudging my shoulder. 

I cracked a small smile, chuckling a little bit. "There's that pretty smile." Hongjoong smiled wider, making me smile wider. "How about you go get changed and met us in the living room so we can have a little talk about what's going to happen tonight, okay?" He said as we reached the house, him opening the door for me. I nodded my head, jogging up the stairs so I don't keep them waiting. As I took a quick shower, I decided to put on some sweatpants and a simple crop-top. I combed my hair and went downstairs, seeing everyone in the living room waiting. The same chair in the middle was empty, and Hongjoong was pointing to it, so I went to sit down. "I feel like this is supposed to be the leader's chair, but it's okay." I said, seeing everyone chuckle. "It is, but your the guest of honor in this house, so it's yours for now." Mingi said, and I smiled at him. "Alright, let's get this meeting going so we can have more time to get ready." Hongjoong said, and my eyebrows went up. "Get ready?" I asked, and Hongjoong nodded. "Yes. We are going to a big party, but it's not just any party." He said, and I understood immediately. "Let me guess. It's a party full of gangs and mafias?" I asked, and everyone chuckled. "Exactly." Jongho said, making me groan. "Of course it is." I mumbled, and shook my head. "We are only bringing you because we have no one here to watch over you." Seonghwa explained, and I nodded.

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