I met that Person dude today. Well, funny story actually:
I was sitting in history talking to Hailey (Becky got moved ‘cause we never shut up, and Melinda moved class.) and all the guys yell “PERSOOON!!” (A/N: they actually yelled his name, but y’know, fake names and all that jazz so…) so I looked up and… daaaayyuumm. Nobody told me he was kinda good-looking. Don’t judge me! If you see the guys around here, you’d know what I mean.
Uhm yeah, I haven’t talked to him yet. Later or something…
Non-FictionMy random thoughts, rants, and mood swings in words. ~go read @ArieeeTxx 's 2012-2013 as well, just to see it from her POV. ~away we go!~