February 14, 2013

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Happy Valentines Day!! and ohhh the irony...

We were acting out Twelfth Night by Shakespeare today in english, and just so it makes sense, I'll explain:

Viola disguises herself as this dude Cesario so she can get closer to the Duke, who loves this other royal chick Olivia. It's basically a love triangle; Duke->Olivia->Cesario/Viola->Duke.

Anyways, there's this scene where the Duke pretty much tells Olivia that he loves her so much, he's ok with her loving Cesario. I was Olivia (for the fifth time in a row, may i add, thank you Zoey, thank you) and Person was Duke.I swear my English teacher knows who likes who, and then thought it would be funny to see me stand there non-stop blushing when i found out what was going on. Yup.

But then we were talking to somebody who thinks Person and Brownie (Alexis' mayyuun...who i slapped today) would make a cute couple.

Why did I slap Brownie?

Because he's being a douche. He leads her on, makes her upset, then can't figure out why she's not happy. That boy needs to get his act together; however I can't give all the details, but Alexis did want me to slap him. STORY TIME!

I gave Caitlin my math book to copy homework, and the rude algebra teacher saw. Caitlin didn't even open the book yet! So the lady took both our books and gave them to our math teacher. I saw that so I went to ask Caitlin what happened really quick, and Brownie jumps in and goes "don't worry, me and Alexis got caught before, they won't do anything!". Yeah, buddy, it happened to me before. And so I slapped him and walked away. The end. Of story time, that is...and today so byee!!

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