August 2, 2013

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August 2, 2013

Oh how I've missed writing, but, I only write when I don't have access to non-judgmental people (Alexis.) to rant and confess about my messed-up head to. So maybe it's good that I haven't been writing? Who knows.

As of about a week ago (maybe more, I lost count after three days) I am in the land of my people...Jordan...I'm not actually from here but that doesn't matter, I'm related to enough people in the country anyways. Speaking of relations/relatives, I've had my fair share of cousin bonding for now. And the jet lag's a total bitch.

The day literally goes:

Wake up after 12pm

Eat at almost 8 (we're fasting)

Watch a movie or play video games unless the wifi works

Eat again around 3am

Sleep at 5am

And repeat.

I'm hungry.

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