- chapter 1

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Growing up my mother made sure I had everything I wanted. Being a single mother was very hard. She worked so hard to make sure I had everything I needed and wanted. I owe my mother my whole life. Being born in a country and living in another wasn't exactly the best.

I was born in brazil but when I turned 4 my mother left my dad and took me with her  back to Spain. So I spent my childhood years in Spain but, when I turned seven years old we left to live in America. I went to an American school without knowing English. It was hard at the beginning but I managed. As you can say I lived my "American dream" but it wasn't exactly the best dream.

We had our ups and downs living in the USA but somehow we actually lived a nice life. For example, I met my bestfriend Naya. Naya is from Argentina. We have been bestfriends since 3rd grade. I wouldn't know what I'd do if it wasn't for her.

Naya and I went to the same university together. Stanford, one of the best universities out there.
We both studied the same major, psychology. We were mostly interested in sport psychology. That's why our Professor, Professor Adam, Chose us and two other students to accompany him to work with FC Barcelona's players to help with management and coaching staff to create a great environment and ensure that their feedback and leadership are as effective as possible. We draw on our experience and knowledge of psychology to help teams that we work with.

"Oh my goodness." Naya whispered.

I laughed. Naya is still shocked by the fact that we will be working with FC Barcelona. Don't get me wrong, I'm shocked too but I think I saw this coming. We worked our asses off for this position.

"Vivi how are you not screaming right now?!? We are gonna be working with BARCELONA!!!"
Naya exclaimed.

"Oh trust me I am happy about it but I think we truly deserved this and I'm glad Professor Adam picked us for this position. So give yourself a little credit." I said as she put her arms on my shoulders and squeezed them.

"Alright you have a point we did nearly die to get this promotion but it's still insane!! Overall I'm glad to be doing this with you." I put my other arm on her shoulder. We look like idiots walking but I don't care. As long as I got her by my side, I think it'll be okay.

"Hey girls, come over here for a second." Professor Adam called. We went to see what does he want.

"So I came to tell that we will book the flights right now and I also wanted you to meet the two other students that are coming with us." He pointed at two boys. One of them had blond hair while the other was a brunette.

"Hey my name is Issac and this is Michael." Naya and I said our hi in union.

Then Professor Adam started speaking again. "Okay I booked the flights. Make sure to get your bags done by this Saturday. We will be moving on Sunday. Is that okay with everyone?"

"Yes Professor that will be great! Thank you so much." I replied.

"No problem." He smiled.

I noticed the time and excused myself. I had to go home and start preparing. It's Thursday and we leave on Sunday, and I take so long to pack.

- Back home

"Mami I'm home!!" I entered our house. We lived in a small house, but it was perfect for just the both of us.

"Im in the kitchen!" I heard her yell.

I went to the kitchen and saw her making my favorite snack, Churros. If I had to eat one thing for the rest of my life, it will definitely be churros.

"How was your day mi vida?" She asked.

I smiled and said in an exciting whisper," I got the promotion mama."

She suddenly dropped her apron and ran to hug me. She hugged me so tight I could barely breathe.

"Mami you're chocking m-"


She broke the hug and cupped my checks.

"I am so proud of you mi amorcito. Te amo." She said while kissing my check.

"I love you too ma." I said while hugging her.

- In the afternoon

We sat down to watch our favorite movie which was the Princess diaries. We watched that movie too many times but we never got bored of it.

"When is your flight?" My mom asked.

"It's on Sunday, at 4 am."

"What?! Why didn't you tell me earlier my love we should start packing!" She got up very quickly and went to my room. Oh this is gonna be a hell of a night.

I followed her to my room and saw a mess. Well
of course my mess. My mom is what they call a clean freak. She loves cleaning and she likes everything to be perfect. I'm the complete opposite. I just go with the flow.

"Violet Caravalho what on earth is this mess?!? Is this how I raised you to be?"

"Mami you're so dramatic the room is perfectly fine." I said laughing then immediately stopped when I saw the serious impression on her face.

She got two suitcases since I will be staying there for a while and started neatly folding my clothes. She refused to let me help her because she knows I'll just throw anything there and call it a night.
* 4 hours later *

I woke up to my phone ringing. It was 1 am and I found 8 missed calls from Naya. It's either she's dead or she doesn't know what to pack. I called her and when she picked up and I heard her yelling at her brother.

"BRUNO DEJEN MIS LIBROS EN PAZ O LO JURO POR DIOS-" ( translation: bruno leave my books alone or i swear to god-) I started laughing.

Yes I do not know how to speak Spanish but I can speak the basics and I can understand it. Same goes for Portuguese.

"Oh look who finally decides to wake up from the dead! Where were you I called you so many times! I have no idea what to pack! So far I packed 5 dres-" She started as I cut her off.

"Naya? Are you okay? Why on earth would you pack 5 dresses! You do realize this is a work trip right."

She laughed saying "Vivi live a little! We will be meeting one of the hottest, most sexiest, players ever! Of course we will be invited to dinners and parties!"

I scoffed. No way will Professor Adam let us party with them. We are going for work and work only.

I heard my mom calling me. "Wait naya I'll be right back" I said while placing my phone on the table.

I went to my room and I found it so tidy. I could actually see my bed. And my suitcases are ready. Hell, she even got my airport fit ready!! God I love this woman so much.

"Mami!! Are you kidding?! Why did you clean my room! You must be so tired Oh my god I am so sorr-" I started before she cut me off.

"Silencio Violet, I did this because I wanted to and because it makes me happy. I promise you I wouldn't do something I don't wanna do. I love you and I hope you enjoy the things I packed you." She said kissing my head as she left the room.

I trust my mom with everything that's why i let her pack my clothes.

I went back to the living room and got back to Naya as I helped her pack. By help her pack I mean talking to her about stupid stuff until she finishes packing.
Hey!! I hope you liked the first chapter!! It's not the longest and it's kinda boring but don't worry! So many better chapters are coming. ;)

devoted love , pedri gonzález Where stories live. Discover now