- chapter 3

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I woke up to the sound of Naya singing in the bathroom. I checked my phone and it was 7 am. Crap we should be ready by 8. I went to the bathroom and I saw Naya singing while doing her skincare.

"Good morning my sunshine!" Huh? Sunshine? Is she on drugs?

"Someone's energetic today." I replied yawning.
I brushed my teeth and freshened up. We then got ready and left our room.

"I lost my bracelet you know." I told Naya.

She looked at me with an empathetic look on her face. "I'm so sorry Vivi. Did you search downstairs for it?"

"Yes I searched everywhere but you know I don't care anymore. It doesn't matter." I replied softly.

"It does matter Vivi are you kidding? It's the only thing you have lef-" before she could finish. I cut her off.

"No. Let's not start this. Please." I put my arms around her shoulders and started walking.

She nodded as she did the same thing. One of the things I love about Naya is not pressuring me to say or do anything I don't wanna do. It's the bare minimum but it's hard to find the bare minimum these days. She truly is the best.

We found the guys waiting for us.

"Hey how was your sleep girls?" Michael asked us.

"It was okay." I replied smiling.

"Hey Violet about your bracelet I'm sorry but the staff said they searched everywhere. Are you sure you didn't lose it at the stadium?" Professor Adam told me.

"Oh right the stadium. I'll search at the stadium too. Thank you Professor." I smiled at him.

For some reason I look at my right and the next
thing I see is Issac next to me.

"What bracelet?" He asked.

"Oh it's nothing, just a stupid bracelet."
I replied hoping he's gonna drop it.

"Hm, okay." He replied curiously.

We had breakfast and then we left to go to the stadium.

- At the stadium

"Buen día." I heard Coach Xavi talking to us.

"Bom di- I mean buen día sorry." I replied nervously.

"Portuguese or Spanish. I understand both do not worry." Coach Xavi replied smiling.

I smiled at him. Coach Xavi is a very nice guy. Iv read so many things about him, especially on how humbled he is.

"Violet!" I heard Professor Adam call.

"Yes Professor?" I replied.

"You and Michael are coming with me to the meeting while Issac and Naya are gonna stay with the players to help them with their training alright?"

I smiled so widely. "Thank you so much Professor."

"Oh please it's no worries we are a team after all." He said patting my back.

I entered the room and saw so many famous coaches from Barca. It was crazy but I had to hold my fangirling moment for later.

"Hello everyone these are my teammates,
Violet Caravalho and Michael Anderson. One of the best." He said proudly.

"It's a pleasure to join you." Michael said while I just nodded.

* 4 hours later *

devoted love , pedri gonzález Where stories live. Discover now