- chapter 8

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I woke up to my alarm ringing. I do not feel like myself, I felt so dizzy. What happened yesterday?I closed my eyes to try to remember.

Oh. Oh.

Shit. I remember it all. Each and every single detail. What the hell was wrong with me?

I looked at my right to see a drink. It looked like a smoothie. It had a note behind it. I took the note to read it. It said,

*Bloody Mary, good for a hungover. P" 

I smiled, I can't believe what Issac did yesterday. He's the reason I said all these stupid words yesterday. The problem was that I meant each and every single word.

I made my way to the bathroom. I felt like I could throw up any second now. And not 2 minutes later, I threw up.

I showered and brushed my teeth. I left the bathroom with my robe. I took the Bloody Mary and started drinking it. Wow, now that's what I really needed.

It was 7:30, so I had one hour and a half to get ready. That's perfect.

I wore the team's tracksuit again. I braided my hair into two French braids. It was now 8 am so I decided to go have some breakfast.

I went downstairs and I saw Michael having breakfast.

"Morning Michael." I said as I filled my cereal bowl.

"Hey V, how was your sleep?" He asked.

"Eh, not the best. What about you?" I replied.

"It was okay." He said as I sat next to him and started eating.

I saw Issac talking with the Professor in the hotel lobby. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, I forgot to ask, what happened yesterday with Issac?" Michael asked. Of course he knows.

"It was okay...actually.. it wasn't. Issac is a complete idiot Michael. Just don't tell him I said that." I replied.

"Don't worry I won't tell him. I think he is annoying too." He said. I looked at him with curiosity.

"What did he do?" I asked.

"Eh..He isn't really the best to talk with. All he talks about is girls. Plus, he doesn't help you when you need something. He likes to be the best in everything.." Michael complained.

"The way I'm not even shocked.." I replied. "I got you, you could always talk to me." I added.

"Thank you Violet." He replied smiling.

We made our way to the Professor and Issac.

"Hey Professor." I spoke.

"Hello everyone, are you guys ready? Should we get moving?" Professor asked.

We all nodded. We made our way to the car, I sat between Michael and Issac. It was awkward so I decided to talk with Michael to break the awkwardness.

"Michael do you have instagram?" I asked.

"Yes I do." He replied smiling. I gave him my phone as he started to type his username. I could feel Issac eyeing us.

I gave him a follow. He took his phone out and started to follow me. I then got a notification.

*@mich.anderson15 started following you*

He only had 3 posts but he had some of the players following him. Gavi, Ferran, Pique, and Raphinha.

I liked all of posts.

We arrived at the stadium and got checked in as usual. The boys were with me while Professor Adam went to coach Xavi.

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