- chapter 5

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"His hands were on my waist..

Pedri Pedri Pedri

"Do not act like you don't like me."

Pedri Pedri Pedri

"I want you."

Pedri Pedri Pedr-

"Violet wake up! We are gonna me late." I heard Naya yell at me.

I got up and checked the time. It was 7:30 am. I had 30 minutes to get ready, crap. I went to the bathroom to freshen up and brush my teeth. As I was brushing my teeth I remembered the dream I had.

Shit. Shit. I had a dream about him. And it wasn't a family friendly dream.

I shoke my head to get the thought out of my head. What was wrong with me?

I left the bathroom to start getting ready. I put on shorts and a black tight tank top. And topped it with our jacket.

Naya looked at me with a shocked face.

"Are you Violet?" She asked.

"Uh? What?" I replied.

"You look- I mean that's something I would never have imagined you wear in a million year but you look stunning V!" She said smiling.

"Thank you Naya. I guess i wanted to step out of my comfort zone for a bit." I replied.

We both went downstairs and surprisingly the boys weren't waiting for us. I called Professor
Adam to tell him that we are waiting for him in the hotel lobby. Shit we were so late.

I went to the boy's room and knocked the door. I knocked the door a few times to grab anyone's attention.

"Hey it's Violet is anyone awake?" I said loud enough so that they could hear me.

The door was open to sleepy Issac. He was shirtless and could barely open his eyes. I can't lie, he does have a nice body.

"Hey V, what's going on?" He said giving me a tired smile.

"Oh um, I think your alarm didn't go because it's 8:12 am.. we're supposed to be at the stadium at 8.." I said slowly.

"Oh fuck, fuck fuck fuc-" he said as he went inside to wake Michael up. They both got ready very fast as we made our way to the hotel lobby.

"Thank you for waking us up I don't know what happened today. I think we might've overslept." Michael thanked me.

"No problem, but I have no idea where the Professor is. I called him so many times and I knocked his room too."

We then saw the Professor and Coach Xavi approaching us from their car. They were laughing with each other.

"Oh hey guys. You're all up early today." Coach Xavi said. Up early?

"Oh yes I forgot to inform you all, timing changed from 8 to 9 am." Professor Adam stated.

We all sighed in relief as we made our way to the car.

Xavi started speaking. "The champions league is starting soon, we have to apply more pressure than usual in practice. So today we will be doing a total of..." I zoned off, my mind went somewhere else. I couldn't stop thinking about yesterday. Why? Why do I care about what was gonna happen yesterday.

"Uh Violet? Are you gonna come?" I heard Naya speak. "We're here." She added.

"Oh yes, yes I'll be right there." I said as I started to gather my stuff. I got a couple of things I needed and left the car.

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