- chapter 10

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I woke up to my alarm ringing. I couldn't move though, something was holding me, more like someone. I looked to my right to see Pedri sleeping. He had his arms around my waist. Shit, he slept over. I wanted to get up so badly but his touch was too soft. I took my phone to check the time, it was 7 am and I had to be ready by 9.

"5 more minutes.." I heard Pedri mumble.

I stay for 4 more minutes but when I try to get him he refuses.

"Pedri I really have to get up now-"

"Call sick." He replies. What does he think this is? Disney world?

"No." I reply.

"Yes." He argues.





"Enough. I'm getting up." I said pushing his hands off me.

I got up and I looked at him. His hair was so messy, he looked adorable.

He dug his face into the pillow and mumbled, "I don't wanna go to today's practice."

"Sleep for 1 more hour, there is a new toothbrush in the bathroom and some clothes if you wanna shower. Is that okay?" He nodded with the back of his head.

I went to the bathroom and freshened up, I brushed my teeth and wore the team's tracksuit.

"Okay sleepy head, time to get up." I spoke.

He got up and rubbed his eyes for 4 minutes straight. "Don't look at my morning face." He spoke. His voice was so attractive.

He made his way to the bathroom and locked the door. I could hear the water running so I assumed he's gonna shower.

I made the bed and tided the place up, it wasn't that messy.

I knocked the bathroom door to give him something to wear, I always pack men's shorts with me. What can I say, they're more comfortable. I gave him the shorts and an oversized shirt, and the hotel was fancy enough to provide us with women's underclothing and men's boxers.

"Pedri?" I knocked the door.

The door was open to freshly out of the shower Pedri. The towel was hanging on his hips, I could see his v line. His hair was combed back. He looked very, very attractive.

"Violet?" His voice brought me back to reality. Shit, he caught me staring.

"Uh- um. Here." I said handing him the clothes.

He looked at me and raised his eyebrows.

"Don't worry, they fit." I smiled.

"Thank you Violet." He replied.

"No problem." I said leaving.

He closed the door once again and 7 minutes later, he came back. He smelled so good but I was surprised because I didn't have any men's products in the bathroom. I guess that's just his natural smell.

I ordered room service for the first time, I got a bunch of stuff because I didn't know what he liked. My wallet is gonna cry but I wouldn't want him to leave hungry.

"You ordered?" He asked.

"Mhm, I didn't know what you liked so I just got everything."

"Did you pay?" He asked.

"No I get to pay later, but don't you think about paying."

"Whatever makes you sleep at night." He spoke as he ate his croissant. We sat in silence but it was so comfortable.

devoted love , pedri gonzález Where stories live. Discover now