- chapter 6

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I got up early today since we will be dropping Naya off to the airport. It still felt unreal to me.

I brushed my teeth and freshened up. I went to the living and saw Naya preparing her bag.

"You're up early." She said.

"Of course, how are you?" I replied. Ronald wasn't here so I assumed he left.

"I'm okay Violet, really. And I talked with the Professor. I'm just out for this position but I'm not kicked out from Stanford. Maybe I'll have a better position who knows." She said softly.

"You will. I know you will." I said giving her a hug.

"I left a couple of my things for you okay? Like some dresses and a bunch of other stuff." She stated.

"No Naya it's okay you don-" she cut me off.

"I want to okay? It's my decision to make. Now hurry up and get ready i am leaving in 10 minutes." She replied. I am gonna miss her so much.

We got ready as I helped her with her suitcases.
We saw the Professor and the guys waiting for us. Issac and Michael got the bags and loaded them in the car. I made my way to the car but then the Professor stopped me.

"Woah hey, where do you think you're going?" He asked curiously.

"Uh? To drop Naya off?" I replied.

"I'm afraid that's not gonna happen. We already have much to do. I am gonna drop her off. You and the boys make your way to Camp Nou."

"But-" it's 5 am. Why is he like this?

"No buts Violet, don't argue with me." He replied.

"It's okay Violet. I'll call you when I'm in the plane okay. I love you." She said as she gave me a tight hug. We stayed there like that for a couple of minutes and then she left. I felt tears roll out of my eyes but I quickly wiped them.

Michael then gave me a hug from behind. "She'll be okay." He whispered. I laid my head on his hands.

I went upstairs and saw the pile of clothes she left me. It wasn't a lot but it was enough. I then went back to bed.

- 3 hours later.

I was awoken by my alarm ringing. It was 8 am I had one hour to get ready. I quickly got up and showered. I decided to put my hair down today. My eyes looked less red then they were at the morning so I'm thankful for that,I looked like crap but I didn't care.

I saw a message from Naya. She's at the plane right now. I'll miss her so much. I hope she's gonna come back.

I didn't know what to wear so I decided to wear jeans and the team's shirt. I never wore it before, I think I got the sizing wrong. It's a bit tight.

I then noticed Gavi's hoodie so I decided to wear it so I can give it to him.

I made my way to the hotel lobby and saw the guys waiting for me.

"Good morning boys." I said.

"Hey V." Issac said giving me a smile.

Michael gave me a hug. I hugged him back. Michael is honestly such a sweet guy.

"You guys ready?" I turned back to see the Professor. We all nodded as we made our way to the car.

We arrived and got checked in as usual. We made our way to the field as we saw the players.

"Hello everyone. How are you doing today." Coach Xavi spoke.

"We are all doing fine Coach. How about you?" Issac replied smiling.

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