Chapter Three.

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The Beginning Of A Nightmare For Shyra. {Part Two}.

Not everyone can be your friend. Even family can turn to enemies.

Be careful who you trust with your life and secrets.

As soon as Shyra finished unpacking, it was time for her to help her aunt even though she had no idea what to do.

It has been a few days since her parents' death and their burial. It was still painful for her to even look at the pictures had with them without crying.

I just hope that what I am doing isn't a bad thing because I have no one to guide me. I miss you, mamma, and Dad more than anything.

Shyra walked out of her room and headed down the stairs to the kitchen where she heard her aunt tell her cousin about the plan to take her inheritance.

She was more than shocked to hear it from her aunt's mouth. Especially when her aunt was so kind to her but it was all a pretense.

What kind of family are these people? My parents were just buried and now they are thinking of getting the inheritance which I never wanted in the first place. All I ever wanted was my parents back but Allah knows best for what happened to them. At least I have to pretend to be nice to them and then after a year, I will be gone from this place and never look back.

"She is coming, so you know what to do. Don't make it obvious what we discussed. Now, don't do things that would make her think that we will take her inheritance", her uncle added. As Shyra announced herself.

"Asalam Aleikum," Shyra greeted them as soon as she walked inside the kitchen while trying to keep a straight face looking at the people in front of her.

"Waleikum salaam. How are you doing, Shyra?" her cousin asks her.

"I am good alhamdullilah", she answered him and then turned to face her aunt, "What would like me to help you with?" she asked her.

"You can help me with making the salad and its dressing".

Shyra nodded and started doing what her aunt told her.

But in her mind, she knew that staying in this house wouldn't be easy for her.

No matter what they do, I will always have to be conscious of them and their actions.

After helping her aunt make dinner, Shyra set the table for them to eat.

"You know, Shyra, you don't have to wear a hijab when you are at home. We are family...."

"I have to wear it, aunt. Because there's my cousin Amir and he is my non-mahram," Shyra politely explained to her aunt who just smiled and nodded.

I may get you two married and then you sign everything to my son who will be your husband.

"Okay, I understand".

Shyra knew that her aunt would try and plan something for her and her cousin who seemed to have a weird vibe.

She couldn't understand how he would look at her with lust in his eyes especially when they were family.

After what seemed like a few days the kindness started to fade and Shyra would do everything for her aunt.

Cooking, cleaning, and even laundry. Her aunt's excuse would be that she is tired or sick.

As soon as she got off school, Shyra would be caught making dinner and doing laundry at the same time as she had homework that was needed the next day.

It became a normal thing for her but it was getting hard to avoid her cousin.

But she hated the fact that no one ever noticed the way he was staring at her with malicious expressions in his eyes.

Just a little longer, Shyra. You will be out of here in a year. In shaa Allah. Just a little bit of patience.

Shyra told her best friends about what her cousin is like and they were worried about her especially when he is a drug addict who would do anything to get his fix.

Even to steal from anyone and everyone including his parents who wouldn't even care about anything he does.

Shyra's nightmare started when Amir started spying on her while she was in her room through a window in the middle of the night and even whenever she was home doing her homework.

She knew that she had to do something like put heavy and dark curtains on each of her windows in her room.

Shyra didn't feel safe to even be alone with him at home while his parents were out. Even if she wanted to invite her friends home, the answer would always be no.

Unfortunately, her aunt forbade her from going to her friends' houses even if she would ask for permission from her.

"You can have your friends here. Because we don't trust them to be here with you alone," her aunt tells her.

At least she can spend time with them at school and after school hours because of their extra-curricular activities that would keep them busy.

But it wasn't enough especially for their group and also for Samir who was closer to her than any guys in the group.

And Shyra couldn't bring herself to tell him what was happening to her at home, especially with her cousin who was vulgar in many different ways than he could be.

Meanwhile, Amir was planning something for Shyra which was good, especially with his mind.

"Dad, when will you be leaving to see grandma?" Amir asks his parents as it was in their plans to go out that weekend.

He wanted Shyra to be alone and vulnerable and also with no one to help her.

Amir knew that he needed to execute his plan before the end of the weekend but the main question is how will he do it?

"In half an hour, why?" his father asks him confused because Amir didn't care what time or day they would be going to see his mother.

"No reason. Just wanted to have a party...a small gathering for my friend's birthday here at the house," Amir tells his dad lying to him.

"You do realize that you don't need permission to throw a party for your friend and I don't think that your mother will have a problem with you doing that," his father answered, making Amir smile knowing that his plan was in motion.

In school, Samir started having a bad feeling about Shyra but he couldn't tell her because she might not believe him.

He pulled Azaan aside to tell him about his gut feeling and maybe he would give him some advice.

But Azaan didn't know what to say to his friend especially when it came to Shyra who was more than a friend to Samir.

"What will you do, if she doesn't listen to you?"

Samir shakes his head not knowing what to answer his friend. All he needed was for her to be safe even if it was to discreetly follow her to her aunt's place without her knowing.

"I will have to follow her when we get out of school..."

"You do realise that she will get pissed at you when she gets to know what you are planning to do," Azaan strongly advised him against his idea.

But knowing Samir, he would go to any type of length to help Shyra.

And now one knows what would happen to Shyra that day except for Shyra herself.

It would become one of the many worse days of her life and she would get courage or maybe even be a coward.

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