Chapter Nineteen.

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The Most Awaited Call.

Everyone has that one person that when they talk to everything will fall into place. They are the ones who keep the peace in their hearts and minds. One call and one message can make someone happy because they will know you care about them.

Samir was ready to put the search for Shyra on hold for the time being because as Aunt Hayat said it was taking a toll on his health. He needs to rejuvenate himself and try and be the person he was before everything happened. Even though he graduated almost two years before Shyra, he would always keep an eye on her.

As he was about to head out to go for a run to clear his head. Azaan was the one who suggested it because he needed to clear his mind before his Nikkah with Saira.


Before Samir could answer him, his phone started to ring. He leaves what he is doing and walks over to see an unknown number on the phone screen.

"Go ahead and answer it, it could be important. I will wait for you outside, okay?" Azaan tells his friend who nodded and then walked out.

Samir then answered it by saying; "Hello..."

"Asalam Aleikum..."

He couldn't believe his ears when he heard the voice of the person he had been looking for all this time.

"Shyra, is that you?" He asks hoping that his ears don't deceive him.

"Yes, it's me," Shyra tells him in a small voice. "How are you doing?" She asks him.

"I should be the one asking you that. How are you? Hows everything? Where are you?..."

"I will answer everything okay? I am good alhamdullilah, I am safe and I will come back when I am ready in shaa Allah. You don't need to worry or even look for me. I know that what I did was wrong but I needed to get away from that place for a while. In shaa Allah when I come back, I will look for you. But for now, you need to take care of yourself..."

"Can I at least come and see you? I know that it might be a lot to ask, it is just that you are one of the most important people in my life. And I need reassurance to know that you are okay..."

"Yes, I understand but also know that I am not ready to receive any visitors. Maybe when I get stronger to tell you why I left in the first place and why I needed to get away from there..."

"Even your aunt, uncle, and also you..."

"Can we please not talk about them? If you don't mind, please don't ever mention them to me. The only parents I had are dead and I would never give anyone their place except one person and thats Aunt Hayat," Shyra tells Samir this surprises him. " I am sorry if I offended you in some way but I don't want to talk about those people," she added.

"Okay, we won't talk about them but please call me whenever you have time. And promise me that this won't be the first call from you," Samir tells her. "Please Shyra, I need you to promise me." He added waiting for her answer but all he got was silence.

"I promise, in shaa Allah. But I have to go for now, I will talk to you soon. Take care of yourself," Shyra says to Samir who smiles.

"Okay, in shaa Allah. We will talk soon. Take care of yourself," Samir tells her.

They both hanged their phone and Samir felt happy to hear from her. She would always cheer him up whenever he would feel down but now that she was far from him, the call that she just made was in a way sufficient for him until the next one.

Samir took a deep breath and walked out of his apartment to find Azaan sitting on the bench waiting for him.

"Hey, ready to go," Azaan asked as soon as he saw Samkir walk out of the door.

"Yeah, let go," Samir says with a smile on his face.

"You seem to be in a good mood. Is it because of that phone call you received?" Azaan asks making him smile more.

"Yes, that was Shyra. She says she is okay but I am still worried about her. I know that I am being paranoid but..."

"I get it, I would be the same if it was my sister or even my brother," Azaan says nodding his head.

"Yeah, but I keep wondering why she left. And the shocking thing is that when I mentioned her aunt, uncle, and cousin, she shut me down and that makes me wonder even more about what happened between them. I have a feeling that why she left was because of them. I..."

"You are going to investigate? Samir, I don't think you should do that for now because you need to take a break from your work, and I know that you want to help her. She will tell you when she is ready to share what happened between them," Azaan advises his friend.

Samir knew that he was right but in his mind, he knew that this had to do with his parents.

His parents especially when his mother started talking badly about Shyra a week before she left.

"You are right but I do want to know why my parents are against her and I being together?" He asks as they start their run. "And that started before she even left, they started treating her like dirt without any reason. That is what I want to know, Azaan" he added.

"Then why don't you ask your parents, maybe they have the answer," Azaan asks him.

But all he got from Samir was him shaking his head.

"I don't think so, because I did ask them and they changed the subject each time. And now they have even arranged a dinner at their house with one of their friends' daughter a few days ago. I had to tell her not to expect any type of relationship from me. And Alhamdullilah she agree but Allah knows if she was sincere," Samir explained to Azaan who was shocked to hear how his parents had changed drastically, especially when they used to be friends with Shyra's late parents.

"I understand what you are saying but you should also remember how Shyra will feel when you discover what she hasn't told you?" Azaan asks slowing down from the run.

"Yes, I know that but how can I let it go especially when they used to love her and they changed overnight? Would you want to know if your parents did that to Saira?" Samir asks him.

"I would find out but from her because every story has two sides. Either the truth or even the fake side. And I would listen to both sides of the stories and then decide which is the true one," Azaan advises him.

"You are right. I will let her tell me when the time is right for her to do that. Now, let's race..."

Samir then ran off leaving Azaan dumbfounded and just shook his head and started running after his friend but he knew that his friend wouldn't give up looking for Shyra and finding answers.

The wait is over now  hafsaAli44 oops.

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