Chapter Five.

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Graduation Day

Eight Months Later.

When people say that time will heal old wounds, were they right? Wounds have scars that never fade even if it takes years of covering them up. But what about the scars that are inside of us? Do those fade too?

It has been eight months since that dreadful night that Shyra's heart, mind, and emotions were torn by the one person everyone thinks is her brother.

But to her, he has never been her brother because no brother would do that to his sister.

Shyra has even considered him to be her brother, but that changed when he brutally assaulted her without any regret or even having a guilty conscience in his mind.

From that night, Shyra was more than determined to get more evidence to put Amir away for the rest of his life.

She gathered almost everything that was needed and gave it to her Aunt Samira who knew exactly whom to give it to.

It was graduation day, the day that Shyra would need to disappear for a while. She had made that decision even before that fateful day.

Thankfully, her parents made arrangements before they died about her university and all the accommodation that would be needed to be taken care of.

It was like they knew that something was going to happen to them and that was the main reason that they prepared everything for their daughter Shyra.

She packed her bags without her aunt or even uncle knowing and then she hid them in the garbage bags.

After putting all of her bags, Shyra went back into the house and waited for the girls to come and pick her up so that they could drive together to the graduation venue one last time.

When it was time, Shyra would take them without anyone knowing.

Not even her friends whom she considered more than sisters.

Shyra needed this for herself, and she knew that the girls might even try to stop her.

As soon as Shyra heard the car horn, she walked out of the room without looking back and then walked down the stairs and out of the front door.

She put on her fake face and walked into the car where the girls were waiting for her.

But Saira knew their best friend wasn't the same anymore especially since that night that they would never forget for their entire lives.

"Are you alright?" She asked Shyra who nodded with a fake smile on her face.

But her friends knew that whatever emotions she had shown were faked and they didn't want her to feel unloved because of the changes that Shyra had gone through that night.

"I am fine, girls. Now can we just graduate and then have fun before anything else happens," Shyra tries to assure them but they don't know that it might be the last day that they will see her.

They tried everything to bring the Shyra they grew up with but deep inside, she was gone with every emotion she felt that fateful night.

As they arrived at the venue they were greeted by Aunt Hayat, Uncle Aayan, and the others.

They were there to support the girls as Saira and Hanan were named valedictorians. This meant that they would be giving speeches.

Shyra looked at everyone around her but this didn't make her pause her plan or even stop it.

As the names were called, and the speeches Shyra slowly walked away but not before leaving, she left some letters in all her best friends' bags.

Tears threatened to fall down her face, but she harshly wiped them when she saw her uncle, aunt, and cousin approaching the venue.

I am sorry, my sisters. I promise that I will be back stronger than ever.

Shyra left the house before they could talk to her. She couldn't help but remember the night that they came back home. And when she tried to tell them about their son, they dismissed her saying that their beloved son couldn't do that to her.

But Shyra knew that they knew because of their expressions when they saw the state of her room and the state of their son who was lying in his bed stinking and the way he was dressed.

That became the last straw for Shyra because she knew that they would never believe her even if she would have shown them the evidence that was taken from her.

That was the day that Shyra decided to leave and come back when she was ready to face them and put them where they belonged.

But before leaving, Shyra needed to deliver one last letter to Sammy.

Samir is the person that will always be special to her. He needed reassurance that Shyra was and would be fine.

This is for the best girls. I need to go because this is what needs to be done. I will always try to send you messages telling you that I am fine and not to worry about me. I am sorry to you Samir for what I am about to do.

Shyra took one last look at her real family and friends before she walked away from them.

She got into the Uber that was waiting for her and it drove back to the house where Shyra took her things from the garbage.

And the same Uber took her to the airport where Shyra boarded a flight to her destination.

New Life, New Destination.

Sometimes it's best to leave and come back when you are strong enough to face everything that you left behind.

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