Chapter Twenty-two

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Graduation Day For Shyra & Imran.

Three Months Later.

Each time Shyra would look into the mirror, she would see a strong woman who had gone through a lot and if it wasn't for Ayra and Imra's help, she might've never made it.

Every day she was thankful to them, their support made everything somewhat bearable for her even if her girls weren't with her. Today was one of the milestones that she wanted to achieve and make her parents proud of her.

"Shyra, come on. Let's go before Dad throws a tantrum..."

"Ayra Imran Saalim, I do not throw a tantrum," her father interrupted her making Shyra laugh while in her room.

Ayra wanted to be by Shyra's side because she knew that it was one of those days that she would need someone. She knew that her father would be with her Papa and Nana by his side so she didn't have to worry about him.

"Okay, guys. Stop arguing, and le's go before we are late," Shyra says walking out of her room to see father and daughter trying to argue with each other.

"See, dad. At least Shyra knows punctuality..."


Both Shyra and Imran called out to her but all she did was shrug and grin at them.

"Anyways, you look beautiful Ma shaa Allah, Shyra..."

"What about me?" Imran asks his daughter while his eyes are on Shyra.

"Well, Dad you do look the same as every day. You need to learn how to dress a little bit differently today, after all, it is your second graduation," Ayra tells her father and gives him a sneaky smile. "I know maybe Papa can give you some pointers on her to dress to impress," she added laughing.

Shyra couldn't believe what she was seeing and hearing in front of her. She knew that Ayra was sassy but she didnt know that she would do this to her father.

"Ayra, that's not nice. He is stil your father and yes, he needs fashion advice..."

"Oh, come. Not you too. Fine, let's get going before we get late and the Papa and Nana will scold me for Arya's lateness..."

"Dad, really? When was I late?..."

"The time you forgot your homework and we had to drive back home to get it and the time when you forgot your favorite..."

"Okay, okay, fine. You win this time. Now can we go please?"

Shyra was laughing at the two of them. Their relationship is unique and different. She prayed that they never change or let anyone change them.

In those months that Shyra has been in therapy, she met Imran's mother while waiting for her session to start. She had the most amazing personality just like her husband. Dania Saalim is a wife, a mother, and a grandmother who knew immediately who Shyra was. As Ayra wouldn't stop talking about whenever they would have dinner during the weekends.

So when Dania met Shyra she knew that her granddaughter was right about her.

"Now you know what I go through every day with the little princess," Imran whispers to Shyra bringing her out of the memory of meeting his mother. "Do you think that I don't have a fashion sense?" he asked her.

"I am not a fashion expert. My best friend is, I could ask her..."

"No, I am asking you. What's your answer?" Imran asks her again.

"I...yes, you do have..."

"Dad, Shyra come on, we will be late," Ayra yells at them outside of the elevator door in the lobby of their apartment building.

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