Chapter Eighteen

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"He is still looking for you, Shyra".

Giving up shouldn't be an option in your life. It shouldn't even be there. Take a break and then get back up, thats how it should always be. Never give up.

Shyra went to her therapy session with the hopes of healing and forgiving herself before continuing with her life. Both father and son knew that the healing process would get even harder when the time came for Shyra to forgive the people who hurt her.

At the office, Shyra handed Dr. Saalim a notebook that had the assignment he had given her. He smiled and went through it. He found a few statements that mentioned Ayra and Imran helping her heal herself.

"This is great work. You should be proud of yourself for this. Not many people have your perservarence and courage to get help. Getting help doesnt mean you are weak or scared, it means you are willing to let someone take a few loads off your shoulders," he tells her looking through the notebook.

"My Aunt Hayat used to say the same thing about healing and forgiveness. She would always say that they go together..."

"Your Aunt is correct. You heal and forgive yourself and others. Forgiveness should start with you forgiving others and then Allah will forgive you," Dr. Saalim says. "Now, for this session, I want you do to something for yourself. I want you to call someone who means alot in your life. It could be your friends, or even your aunt, uncle. Whoever they are, call them. Your assignment to accept your past as it is and know that you cant change it," he added handing her back the notebook. "And keep writing your thoughts down," he says smiling.

After the session, Shyra decided to call Saira but she wasn't answering, so she called Hanan who answered her.

"Asalam aleikum, how are you doing?" Hanan asks greeting her.

"Waleikum salaam. I am good alhamdullilah and you. How's Armaan, doing?" Shyra asked her friend who replied that everything was going fine.

"How's your therapy going?" Hanan asks her friend.

All the girls knew that Shyra had been going to therapy for almost a month now and they knew that she needed it to heal and forgive.

"It has its moments. But Alhamdullilah, it is helping me..."

"You should have called him, Shy. He needs to know that you are alright so that he can stop worrying. I know that you think you are doing is better for the both of you, it isnt. He needs to hear your voice or even send him a message..."

"Hanan, he doesn't deserve someone that his parents don't like. Yeah, I know that they never liked me but I dont know the reason. All I can do..."

"Shyra, don't be stubborn, call him. Please, for the friendship that you two had. He loves you and he is still looking for you," Hanan tells her friend. "Just call him, once and tell him you are okay, thats it," she added hoping that Shyra would do it to ease Samir's pain.

"I will try and call him but I can't make any more promises, okay? Tell me about you now," Shyra asks Hanan.

Hanan started explaining how life was until now. How she regretted her hasty decision to get married but she doesn't regret having her daughter Armaan.

"She is the most important person I have in my life apart from you guys and my parents of course, and I decide to take a break from school to raise my daughter. Even though mum and dad gave me the option of going back and for them to raise her. But I couldn't do it," Hanan explained to her.

Shyra understood her more than she could ever know especially these past few months that she has been spending with Ayra.

The two girls talked for a few more minutes before Armaan started making a fuss needing her mother's attention.

"I need to go now, in shaa Allah, I will come and visit soon and you can tell me more about your life. Take care and love you, Shy," Hanan tells her and then hangs up the call.

Hanan has been the third person to tell Shyra to give a call to Samir but she knew if she did that, then it might create a problem with his parents.

Shyra had no idea what she did to deserve their dislike and to think that they used to like her and then after her parents' death they changed drastically.

They started by forbidding Samir to interact with Shyra at home. This made Shyra's decision to leave easier because Samir's parents would be at ease about her friendship with their son.

I wish that I could ask someone for advice...

Then she remembered what Imran told her whenever she needed something, she could always call or even send a message.

He gave her his number the next day when she had the nightmare. But Shyra didn't dare call him until now.

She took a deep breath and dialed his number. It rang for a few minutes before he answered.

"Asalam Aleikum, how are you doing?" He asked her.

"Waleikum Salaam, I am good alhamdullilah. What about you and Ayra?"

Imran replied that they were both fine.

Shyra then explained to him about the call she had with one of her best friends about calling Samir. She explained who he was and why her best friend thought it would be important for her to call him.

"I think your friends are right. You should call him to ease his peace of mind. If it was me, I would want to know where my friend was and the condition he is in. It wont hurt anyone when you are calling him to assure him that you are okay and maybe you will see him again, in shaa Allah," Samir explained to her even though he wanted the opposite.

Shyra needs to do this. If Samir can't find her then she will make the upcoming decision easier for her future. I just hope and pray that he doesn't hurt her.

"Thank you and I am sorry, if I ever disturbed you..."

"It's okay, you didnt and you are welcome. I was just finishing up the assignment that I needed for my part of the assignment. Alhamdullilah, I am done," he says. "And you dont need to say sorry all the time whenever you want someone to talk to. I am here to listen to you," he added making her smile.

Shyra thanked him again and then hung up the call. She has made her decision to call Samir but she was also hoping that he won't answer her call.

Before she could change her mind, she dialed Samir's number and waited for him to answer.


"Asalam Aleikum..."

"Shyra is that you...?

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