Chapter 6

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"No it will stay without water. Trust me," he says as I nod my head and I look at him. We stay there looking into each other's eyes. A couple minutes pass until I relies what's happening. We're both leaning closer and closer to each other then Leon's phone starts to ring. We both start back away and Leon picks up his phone.


"Aye! When you coming?"

"Oh I'm on my way right now," Leon answers the person on the phone.

"Okay cool bro well bye."

"Yeah bye Luis." Leon hangs up the phone and looks at me.

"Time to go," he says.

"Okay," I say as I walk out of the bathroom into the hall.

"Hey, do you have a skateboard?" He asks me as he starts to open the front door.

"Yeah do you want me to get it?" I ask as I start to walk towards my bedroom.

"Yeah because we're going to the skatepark down town to meet up. I nod my head and fetch my skateboard. After I get the board I walk outside to see Leon already in the car. I get in and we drive off.


We pull up to the skatepark and get out of the car with our skateboards. We start to walk around when Leon stopped and took out his phone and started to type on it.

"What are you doing," I asked as I sit down at a near bye bench. Leon walked over and sat down next to me.

"I was just texting Luis and asking where they are," he asnwered as he put his skateboard down and leaned back.

"Oh okay," I say as I stand up and start to skate. Well try

to. While im trying to keep my balance Leons phones rings. He picks it up and starts texting again. When he's done he stands up and looks as me and how I keep stepping on and off of my board.

"You okay?" he asks me as he slightly chuckles.

"Yeah it's just i haven't really skated in a long time," I answer as I try to skate and fall off.

"Here," Leon says as he gives me his hand," Why don't I help you learn again while we wait?" I gladly take his hand and say okay. He walks back over to the bench and grabs his skate board and gets on it and skates over to where I am.

"Okay, so get on and I'll help you with your balance first," he explains as I step on my board and start to fall. Again.

However, before I could fall Leon took ahold of my hands and helped me with my balance. I looked up at him. He smiled and I couldn't help but smile back.


"No problem, I can't let a pretty girl fall when I can stop it from happening,"

I look down as I start to feel myself blush. The next thing I know I feel that I am moving. I look to Leon and see that he is walking and pulling me with him.

After a couple of minutes I think I can skate by myself again.

"Hey Leon," I start as I look up to him.

"Yeah?" he asks looking at me.

"I think I have the hang of it again,"

Leon backs away as I push off and start to skate by myself again. I skate back and jump off near Leon.

"Good job! Lets skate now!"


We both jump onto our boards and ride down the park path. While riding I now see that there are about 15 other people here. I look towards Leon and dont see him. Confused I start to look around searching for him. I find him a couple feet away on his phone. I skate over to him to see whats going on. He looks up at me and smiles.

"They're almost here now," he tells me as he puts his phone back into his pocket and gets back onto his board and we skate around some more.

We skate around for about 10 minutes until his phone rings again. This time he doesn't stop skating he just pulls is phone out and starts to read.

I turn my head to look in front of us when I see a tree. A couple of feet ahead of us.

"Le-," I was cut off by the sound of Leon crashing into the tree. I laugh as i skate back over to him.

"Ugh...," he groans as he lays on the floor.

"You, heh, okay?" I ask as I lend him one of my hands.

"Yeah, I guess im just thankfull I didn't

drop my phone," he says while he takes my hand and starts to laugh. Soon I join in and we're both just standing in the middle f the skatepark laughing like idiots.

"Hey remember no texing while skating!" I say in betweent laughs.

"What? i have never heard that," he says looking at me confused.

"Well yeah I just came up with it," I tell him as I point to my head. He laughs some more and gets his skateboard that he fell off of earlier.

"So what was so interesting that made you slam into the poor, poor, harmless, defenceless tree?"

"Harmless!? I almost knocked myself out!" he starts as he looks at me like i'm crazy, "Oh and it was Luis he said they're at the front."

"Your fault for not watching and okay lets go then?" I counter back as i step back onto my skateboard.

"Yeah," Leon says as he steps onto his skateboard again. Leon almost falls off when he runs over a branch he knocked off of the tree when he hit it. Thanks to me he didn't beacuse I grabbed his hands before he fell backwards. He looks up at me and thanks me. I return with a smile and try to let go of his hand as we start to skate, but he doesn't let me. Instead he keeps my hand in his and we start to skate to the entrance. I look at our hands and look back up to him to only see him looking back at me. He smiles at me and I smile back then look foward.

I stop skating to see a guy running towards us. Leons stops too and grabs his skateboard, as do I. We start walking towards this guy and then I see a girl with him too. We keep walking until we are close to the strange, hyper man and the pretty black haired girl. The girl doesn't seem that nice to me.


What will happen next?

Is it to short?? Sorry for not updating I had writers block and then went to go see my family and now i'm back home but don't have interent so ill try to update when i go to the library. I'll try to write more of the story on my laptop and the paste it to Wattpad when I can!

+ Please tell me what other fandoms you are in so I can know if all of you are in the same ones!! Then I could probably write other stories or imagines! If you want you can ask me to! +

~~Thank you for reading and I love the feed back!~~

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