Chapter 4

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Thank you very much to Kawaiiyuki102 for commenting and leaving a suggestion. It made me think ty!
Reader's POV:
Chhhk. The car door closed as I got into Leon's car. It was a nice (fave. car type). I could tell he knew how to pick the good cars. Leon got in and started the car.
"You know, I should probably get your number.... For emergency purposes!" He said while sort of freaking out.
"Hehe, okay let me see your phone," I laugh as he hands me his phone and I put my number in and text myself. For the entire car ride we listen to music on the radio until we pull up to the school. We get out and walk towards the school.
"Wow, this school is huge,"
"Meh not really once your inside," Leon explains as he opens the door and let's me through like a gentlemen. I follow him to the office. In the office was a woman probably in her mid 40's.
"Oh a girlfriend Leon?" Questioned the desk lady.
" Umm no Mrs. Mayfield this is my new neighbor and we came to sign her up for school," he says with a small blush to his cheeks. She nods her head and goes to the back looking for something. She comes back and we start to sign me up.
~~~~~~~~~After signing up ~~~~~~~~
"Just come back on Monday with all of the school supplies and I will give you your schedule," Mrs. Mayfield started," I'm sure Leon won't mind walking you around on Monday, it gets him out of class." He looks up at the thought of getting out of class.
"Cool," he says smiling. We say our good-byes and go back to the car and get in. "Do you wanna meet some of my friends later?" He asks looking at me for a second before turning his head back to look at the road.
"Sure, when,"I ask looking at my surroundings. He shrugs.
"How about tomorrow?"
"Yeah that will be cool."
We keep driving with the music on in the background. Leon takes a turn towards the mall's parking lot.
"What are we doing here," I asked looking at all of the people here.
"My mom wanted us to 'hang out' so we're going to be here," he starts," honestly do you want us to hang out at my house with her bugging us about 'how's it going'?" I nod understanding what he was saying. We get out of the car and start walking towards the entrance.
"Hey! Look at her, what yo name is," some unknown guys asks me while he tries to walk towards me.
"It's use proper English," I snap as I take Leon's hand and walk fast into the mall.
"Hey (Y/N), you okay," Leon asks.
"Yeah it's just guys like that get on my nerves," I say trying to smile as much as possible even though I wanna rip guys like them from limb to limb. Leon chuckles and starts to walk. We walk and talk for a while.
"Let's go into that store!" I yell pointing into (fave mall store).
"Sure," Leon agrees while we walk into it. We stay in the store for about an hour looking around playing with all of the stuff.
"Haha what time is it," Leon asks as we start to walk out of the store while people look at us like we're crazy.
"Umm, oh my gosh it's 11!" I say as I look at my phones screen in disbelief.
"Oh, well I guess we should start to head back,"
"Yeah, first one to the car gets to drive back?"I ask.
"You're on, ready,set, go!!" He says as we both start running to the car. Leon of course won because he is taller then me and has longer legs. Leon gets in the car and turns the car on.
"Why the pout face?" He questions me.
"What are you talking about," I say as I look away. He chuckles and takes my face in his hands and turns my face to look at his. We stare into each other's eyes for a while until a honk takes us out of the trance. On the ride back we don't really talk that much. We pulled up to his house and got out of the car.
"So, Umm, I'll pick you up tomorrow around 1?" He asks while he puts his hands in his pockets.
"Umm, yeah sounds good Text me when your on your way," I say and he nods. Then we both split up and went into our own house. I closed the door and locked it and leaned my back against it smiling. Well today was so much fun. I say as I remember today. Then a part of today flashed into my head. I place my hands in my face were he touched and start to smile. I think I'm going to like it here.

Reader X Leon S. KennedyWhere stories live. Discover now