Chapter 5

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AN: sorry it's so late The snow messed up my connections. :/ but here is the new chapter.
Thank you for reading. ❤️I love the feed back too❤️
Reader's POV:
I woke up around 9 to a knock on my front door. I start to get up when I noticed I slept on my couch.
'Why did I sleep on the couch?' I asked myself and walk towards the door.
"Hello," I say groggily while I open my door.
"Hey," I hear a deep voice say as I look up. 'No. No. Nononononono!' I scream inside my head as I try my best to hide behind my front door.
"Hey," I say as I look up at my cute neighbor.
"I'm guessing you just woke up?" He asks as he slightly laughs. I start to blush as I nod my head.
"Why are you here I thought you were coming around 1," I questioned.
"Oh I just wanted to come and hang for a little bit," he answered my question as I look at the ground.
I start to open my door to let him in.
"You can come in and wait while I get ready,"
"Okay," he says as he walks into my living room.
"The kitchen is over there," I start as I point towards the kitchen,"If you want anything while you wait." Leon nods and watches the TV as I head up stairs.
Entering my room I walk towards my closet and start getting dressed.
~~time skip to being done getting ready ~~
I walk down the stairs to the living room and Leon is no where to be seen. 'Huh were did he go..... Oh probably the kitchen' I think to myself. I walk into the kitchen and see Leon making himself a sandwich. He sees me and freezes.
"Sorry I was hungry," he says while he puts the bread on the top of his sandwich.
"Okay I don't mind I did say you can get anything," I say as I get some chips out of the pantry. Leon nods and starts to eat his sandwich.
We both walk back to the living room and sit on my couch and watch tv for awhile.
Once we were both done with our food I took his plate and my small bag and went into the kitchen to put them up.
After I got done I walked back to the living room to see Leon laying down on the couch.
"Hey I was sitting there too, you know," I said to Leon as I stood in front of him.
"I know but, it's so comfortable laying down,"
"Did you not sleep well last night,"
"Never with out you baby," Leon teases as he looks at me with that smile that will make any girl melt.
"Very funny. Now get uuuuuppppp please," I say a I started to blush.
Leon sighs and then sits up. Of course taking his time. I sit down and look up to him.
"Hahaha," I start to laugh while holding my stomach.
Leon's looks at me like I've gone mad.
"What's so funny?" He asks as I start laughing more.
"," I say in between small giggles. He looks at me and then gets up and moves towards the bathroom. I get up and follow him. We get to the bathroom and he sees his hair.
"What did you do?" He asks me as he tries to fix it, which ends up in him messing it up even more.
"Me?!? I didn't do anything your the one who laid down," I answer as I grab his hands.
"Wait, let me fix it." I say as I let go of his hands and signal him to turn towards me. He turns and I start to fix his hair.
"Is it done yet,"
"Nope it really is messed up,"
"Let me get a brush hold on," I tell him as I grab a brush from the cabinet. I try to brush through his hair but he's too tall.
"Can you sit on the toilet so I can actually reach your head?" I ask him as he nods. He sits down and looks up at me. I start to brush his hair and mess with it.
"Let me get some water," I say as my hand reaches towards the faucet.
Leon hands shoot up and grab ahold of my hand.
"Why do you need water?" Leon questions me as he looks into my eyes.
"Um..... I need it to keep your hair down" I continue as Leon looks at me.
"No it will stay with out water. Trust me" he says as I nod my head and
I look at him. We stay there looking into each other's eyes. A couple minutes pass until I release what's happening. We're both leaning closer and closer to each other then......

Reader X Leon S. KennedyWhere stories live. Discover now