𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 02|𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐢𝐬?

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Episode 02:Meeting the bois?]
Will not follow the storyline - enjoy!

𝑭𝒆𝒘 𝒚𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔 𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓....

"I think that's enough for a year.. I think" A certain ashy blonde girl say as she put stack of raw beef in her chest, inside her cozy home - she's live now further in the forest where she will not be INTERACTING with people cause sometimes it freaks her out.

"Oh! - a baby wolf!" She squeal as she see a baby wolf in the distance - so she approach the wolf in slow and easy steps.

The wolf eyes travel to hers which cause her to froze in place but than approach the wolf anyways, crouch down as she hesitantly pat the wolf head's which cause him to woof out happily, smiling as she keep patting the pups head.

"Who's a good boy? You are!!" the pup woof again as she giggle than realize.. He or she doesn't have parents around them.

"You alone buddy?" As like the wolf understand what she said, he let out a whine before a woof. The girl than scoop the pup in her arms.

"You need a place to stay buddy - I can't let a small wolf like you in the forest alone.." She than take off walking back to her home - which is made out of woods, some stones and more wooden blocks.

She put the pup down on the floor the moment she enter her home - the pup run around, tail wagging behind them as the pup stop infront of her, woofing out happily.

"You like it here?" The pup's tail wag even more faster as she giggle.

"Welcome to your new home buddy!!"


"Are we there yeeetttt...??"

"No, you idiotic child" The blonde boy groan as he and his friend - more like a brother, continue there walking to get back to there city which don't seem far for the brown but for the blonde? He literally keep groaning as he take more steps but stop when he see a house in the distance to his left side, stop his tracks which cause his brother also stopping his tracks, turning to him with confusion written all over his face.

"Why did you stop Tommy?"

"I didn't know someone live by.." Wilbur follow his gaze and it landed on the house he was staring, they make eye contact before nodding.


"Woah - easy there buddy, I just got you, I don't want you to choke on a piece of beef" The girl say as she watch her now new pup eating beef she give her - yes is a female pup.

"What should I name you.." She pounder abit as she keep staring at her pup - it click in her mind.

"How about Morrighan?" The pup look up to her before woofing a yes - the girl smile proudly as she crouch down and pat the pup's head.

"Than it settle, you hereby declare as Morrighan"


"How about you do it Wilbur?" The blonde or Tommy said as he push his brother forward - his brother shot him a glare only to get a smile from him, sighing as he turn back to the door, knock on it three times.

The girl smile at Morrighan eating one more of her beef, suddenly three knocks disturb her peaceful and quietness - she fastly look over to the door, immediately feel alerted, also did her pup.

She stood up before moving slowly to her chest - open it and immediately pull out a normal iron sword, grip it tightly as he put a finger on her lip, stating Morrighan should not make a noise, she than slowly move to the door, gripping the iron sword even tighter as her other hand grip the doorknob.


"When will the person open up Wil?"

"Maybe there are sleeping Toms, let's go--" Suddenly the door slam open as the brown male was greeted by a sword against his neck, causing him to flinch back abit and also causing his brother to pull out a stone sword.

"Who the hell are you people!?" Her voice turn aggression real quick, the brown male hold his hand up, laughing nervously.

"W-We can explain until you put your sword.. Into the safe zone.."


"I didn't know there's a city nearby.." She say as she sit criss cross on the carpeted floor, her pup sleeping peacefully on her laps.

"Yeah, we already have some pedestrians joining us - our city is legendary!!" The Girl look at the blonde before moving her gaze to his brother - also make eye contact.

'His eyes are so prett- what in the holy name am I saying?'

"Oh - where is my manners, we didn't introduce ourself, I'm Wilbursoot and this man or my companion--"

"S'cuse me bitc--"

"Name is Tommyinnit or your may shorten our names to Wilbur or Tommy" Tommy lean lean over to the girl which cause her to lean back with a uncomfortable expression.

"U-Uhmm child you are too close--"

"IM NOT A CHILD!!" That sudden shout cause Morrighan to wake up from her slumber, the girl look down at her pup.

"Look what you done - you woke up my precious baby" After few minutes of stroking the pups head, and putting her to sleep, she slap Tommy's head.


"Don't even think about screaming.." Tommy grumble before sitting back down next to Wilbur as he gaze landed back to the girl.

"Oh yeah - you didn't introduce yourself, what's your name?"

"Oh.. My name is Maplenia.. Or you can call me Maple for short and this little furry girl on my lap is Morrighan"

Morrighan:Latin word for the Celtic Goddess of Death..

*look both left and right* wanna make sure there's no haters - hello my lovely BEES KNEES!! how yall doing, sorry for the grammars, just started a new book and immediately sense grammars TwT

If yall doing good than leave a '❤️' on the comment section and if you do not feel good, put a comment saying some random shit--

Welp! I hope yall ARE fine cause if yall not.. I might murde-- JK.. Or am I?

I see you guys late - *died of drinking to much coffee*

CaptainDuckity left the book for sleep

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