Steal My Heart (A Hetalia Fanfic)

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Farnir is a small country between France and England, with a large country side and a small population. I happen to be this country. I may be a small country, but I am by no means a little girl. I look just like a normal teenage girl. I will say that people often call me beautiful. And that may be the reason France wanted me. And doesn't he always get what he wants? Oh, I'm sorry, of course you've no idea what I'm talking about. Let me start at the beginning. It all began at a party that every country was invited to, even little Sealand.

"Big brother England, there are so many countries here," I said, clutching onto England's arm. "I didn't know there were even this many countries in the world! Is that... Is that the Roman Empire?"

England chuckled and just squeezed my shoulders. "It's okay, Farnir. They don't bite. Just go talk to them. Oh, but stay away from Prussia, France, and Spain..." Big brother trailed off, so I just nodded and wandered off.

I was at the snack table when I met the first member of what I would come to know as The Bad Touch Trio.

"You look like you might be awesome, but as not as awesome as me," came a voice from behind, making me jump. I whirled around and was face to face with a tall man with silver hair and red eyes. He was wearing a cocky grin. "What is your name?"

"Farnir," I answered quietly, my voice shaking.

"Awesome name, though I'm afraid you aren't as awesome as me, the awesome Prussia," the man said, his smile growing in size and cockiness.

This was Prussia? This was the man that England wanted me to stay away from? He seemed perfectly nice, if arrogant.

"Hey, you should come meet my friends, France and Spain, they almost manage to be as awesome as the awesome me, but they still fail, like unawesome people," he said. I had no idea to respond to that, so I just smiled and gave a nod. Suddenly he had my hand and was pulling me through the crowd.

"Ohonhonhon, and who might zis be?" a clearly French accent said.

"I'm Farnir," I answered. "I presume you're France?"

Now, I know you may think it was odd that I'd never met France. He was, afterall, my neighbor, but Big Brother England had kept me well protected from the Frenchman, and I was soon to know just why England had protected me so fiercely.

But for now, I was still in ignorant bliss.

"It's nice to meet you," another voice said. I looked to the man who had just spoken. He had a lazy smile on his face. "I'm Spain, and this is my Lovi," he added, pulling on the curl on the boy's head beside him until the boy yelled, "Chigi!"

The boy muttered something about Spain being a bastard and stepped away. Spain's grin only faltered for a moment before he turned back to me. "So, you're Britain's little sister?"

I nodded.

"Ohonhonhon, I wonder how Britain would feel if I slept with you," France said, chuckling.

I felt my face heat up and knew it must be red as a fire truck.

"Um, I, uh... He told me not to talk to you," I answered. "So he'd probably be pretty upset if, um, that happened. He really doesn't seem to like you. He calls you a frog."

France crossed his arms and just grinned as he said. "I would really like to take you on a tour of the Eiffel Tower."

"That would be--" I started, but was cut off by Prussia.

"Don't say yes," he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me away. "Want something to drink?" He asked me. Being as this was before I knew never to ever accept any drink that a member of the Bad Touch Trio offered, I accepted. Prussia pulled me along and then poured me some red liquid.

"What is this?" I asked.

"Wine," he answered. "Haven't you ever had wine?"

I shook my head. "No, Big Brother has never let me have any," was my answer. Prussia grinned.

"Well, you can drink with me. I'll introduce you to the wonderful world of alcohol, kesesese," he said, laughing.

I grinned and took a sip of the liquid. It was bitter, but I kept drinking it. I didn't want Prussia to think I was a little kid.

He kept handing me another glass when one was empty. The color and taste changed, to the point where my brain was all fuzzy and I had no idea what I was drinking.

I giggled and said, "I think I see Big Brother's flying mint bunny," with a hiccup.

Prussia grinned and grabbed my arm. "I'd say you're ready."

He lead me out of the main hall where the party was going on at, and walked down several hallways that seemed to blend into one in my hazy stupor.

"Big Brother will kill me for getting drunk," I said with a laugh as Prussia opened one of the doors and grabbed my hand to lead me into the hotel room.

I looked around, not sure why we were here. Prussia shut the door, and then pushed me against it gently. "Meine Leibe," he whispered as his lips went to my neck. He started trailing kisses from my neck up to my cheek, and finally his lips landed on my mouth. I kissed him back the best I knew how, but I'd never kissed anyone before.

I shifted, and suddenly my leg bumped a very prominent bulge in his pants. As Prussia moaned, I felt myself blushing. He pressed closer to me, pulling at my dress. I knew I should stop him, but I had a sudden, strange urge not to. Before I knew it, the dress was tossed aside, and I was left standing in my black lacy panties and bra.

Prussia's hand was suddenly slipping inside the panties, and I gasped. When he slipped a finger in, I could help but yell, "Oh god!" I found myself grinding against that hand. Suddenly the finger was gone and I was being led to the bed. In my drunken haze, I didn't think to stop it, so I lost my virginity to Prussia that night, and fell asleep in his arms.

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