A case that will always break my heart.

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as han took his daily picture of the ocean, he had a bad feeling about going home alone. so he decided to eat from the ramen shop he usually went to when he was hungry after photographing. he knew the owner from the shop personally since he went here almost everyday, they talked about their lives, but han noticed there was something iffy about the man today. he smelled weird. how would you describe it.. fishy? like rotten fish. he had never smelled that in his life but he figured that's what he smelled like.

after a few hours, he wanted to leave the shop already. he swore he saw blood on the floor and that he saw the mans flesh rotting. he was gonna get sick when he turned to his back and there was leeches sucking on his back, but he knew better than to point it out. he knew whatever he was talking to was not human. so when he said he was done and whatever that thing was told him that he was free to leave, he was glad to. he took his bag and ran out of that place. he still had his bad ideas about walking home but he just wanted to go away, what happened? photographing the ocean always got him so happy but look at him now. he just knew he wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.

he woke up with a few drops of water on his head and one went into his mouth , it tasted salty. he immediately got up to see what was the reasoning behind it, but to see leeches in your roof isn't pretty. he screamed and choked when he felt something inside his throat, it came out and it was one of those, he couldn't take it anymore. the salty taste with the things he hated so much, he threw up. that was when he felt a slimy feeling on his back, oh how he wished it wasn't that but he knew it was. he crashed his back onto the carpet trying to get rid of those little gremlins, or so he called. he couldn't believe it. he actually just got cursed. he took the photograph he took of the ocean last night, and oh shit. there was something he really couldn't explain. it was huge, massive even. it was his worst nightmare, just as he was about to explain what it was, he passed out.

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