A case that isnt pretty.

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as chan worked on the new project he had, he just realized how exhausted he was. he never really actually got to sleep, working on 10 minutes of sleep with always make you tired, but he couldn't fall asleep no matter what. he still had to finish his project anyway, he wasn't going to sleep either way. but it felt like something was itching at his skin making him feel more tired. but he just decided to brush it off, he has work to do.

once he was done and he couldn't work anymore, he simply walked to his bed and check the time. "5:00 am," it read. he didn't notice he stayed up that late and the itching feeling was starting to come back but it's in his face now. since the itching was so bad he decided to go to the bathroom to check it out. there were red marks on his skin, it was oddly familiar on how the storyline of his project was going. he soon realized the dangers that he was in if that was the case.

he turned out to be better and it seemed that it wasn't the case, if it was he would've been dead already. he soon realized that he felt cold, cold as ice. he shivered soon wondering why it was happening, what did he do? that was when he felt his arm dissolve into nothing but little pieces. he then soon realized the project he was working was never to be brought up, no matter what. a seal made with the devil should had never been a good idea, and it even told him to not bring it up never. but he just decided to use his life experience into his project. god hates his life.

he started to dissolve, and dissolve, and dissolve. it was an agonizing slow process for chan he was screaming, it was just cruel. and then, he turned into dust. he knew the consequences and still did it. poor Christopher bang.

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