A case so bloody.

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as seungmin, leeknow, changbin, and felix were walking to the haunted house they had all of their cameras ready and other supplies. they had their water, snacks, and seungmin brought a black jacket but they didn't know why. turns out it was an accident and that seungmin didn't seem to remember putting it there but since they've come such a long way they didn't care. they got out their flashlights and went in, they didn't expect to have shivers already. the place was cold and it already gave them the haunted vibes all the people that came here said, what were they signing up for?

as they split up into teams, changbin was with felix and seungmin was with leeknow. what a perfect match seungmin grumbled. felix said that he and changbin were going to explore the left side of the house and that seungmin and leeknow were going to explore the right, nobody argued. they turned on their flashlights and went their ways. he already heard them start their blog but he didn't want to that so soon, he wanted to get to the interesting part and then start the blog.

they explored and investigated things like a normal person would do. thing is the deeper they went in the creepier it got. and that's when they found something terrifying. a spray paint saying that whoever came here would be cursed and only one would survive with blood all around it, and the symbol that was made of fresh (??) blood since leeknow accidentally broke the symbol by walking by it, this shit was really haunted after all. and that's when you start to run kids! so that's what they did. they ran and ran but when they got to the exit he realized that it was locked, why would they get themselves into this? and that's when he heard screams behind him. he looked back and saw a black hole beneath leeknow and then- his blood went all over his body. it was like he was cut to shreds and all seungmin could was stare in shock as he noticed they were live. he picked up the camera looking at the comments saying that it was definitely staged, oh how he wished. and that's when he heard the others screaming he stood still, to scared to do anything. and that's when he felt a liquid on his head, and when he looked up it was the same black hole that took leeknow. except felix and changbin fell out that time. he could only stand there, with a dumb face of disbelief before he threw up and passed out.

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