A case so horrific

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As Jeongin watched the ocean waves from the bus he wondered how a thing can be so beautiful yet so sinful. Don't get him wrong, obviously the sea is beautiful with all of its animals and whatever, but he knows the real secrets of it. His deadline was soon anyway, there was no need to be thinking about it now. He sat down and put the side of his cheek on the window and then looked at all the other people there. They seemed like they weren't real at all, not talking just looked at a singular thing then moving to the other. It seemed like they were programmed to do just that, trying their best to seem human but failing miserably. He sighed and looked outside, the ocean taunting him with its waves washing back and fourth, Jeongin wished to do the same, go back and fourth, remembering how lively the bus once was. He turned his head back and saw that all of them were staring back at him, it was normal.

He grabbed his bag once the bus stopped, not wanting to spend time in that any longer. His grab on his bag tightened when he realized how soon his deadline was. He saw the doors open and he walked down to it, getting shivers. Once he was out of the bus he stared at the ocean and saw the sight of his fellow friend mindlessly walking to the seas, stumbling on his way. Knowing that it was distracted he decided to take a run and did not look back. All he felt was fear. He didn't want to turn out like his friends. He saw his friends go through this route, they never returned. Six times, this was about to be the seventh. He'll miss their voices, touch, and personalities. Hell, he'll miss everything about them. Maybe he should just give up on running, but his friends would want him to survive, wouldn't they? He heard a splat. May the heavens accept Lee Know. For now, he just prayed, prayed with his entire heart that he wouldn't turn out that way.

He heard something coming out.

He felt his ears ring, his blood pump faster, the adrenaline. The will to live was alive inside of him and he knew it. He ran and ran, but it seems it ran too, hearing the sounds getting closer and closer. His deadline, will he have more time until he reaches it? He wanted to look behind but he knows what will happen if he does. He felt a thing by his shoe and he was getting tired. Maybe he should give up hope. But no, he shouldn't. His feet feel numb and he's ready to give up, until he sees the line. The line that will probably end everything. The creature can't go past the line, the cameras are there. His breath got shorter and he knew there was barely a distance between him and it, smelling the disgusting stench of it. His knees felt weak but he had to get through it. He closed his eyes but that's when he fell. Hope was lost and he knew his fate. Lowering his head in defeat, ready to have an outcome like his friends. His ankle was probably twisted from how hard he ran anyway, he couldn't run anywhere even if he tried. Nothing happened. He looked up and saw nothing but a drawing with his 7 friends and a good luck message, he felt tears coming out of his eyes, his dehydrated throat hurting so so so much. He wiped away his tears never wanting to come to the station ever again. So that's what he did, seven years later he still knows the truth but he's silent. He wondered how his friends would've handled it. He looked out the window and sighed, knowing his new deadline was now coming soon.

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