Chapter 2 - The Clan

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Rotxo POV -

I followed Sey'ina she giggled the clan was beautiful here I saw the people I saw a kid comes towards me the mother jumped towards her " no, As'za! " she said pulling her from us " that is Rie'ka she is very kind and protective! " Sey'ina said I smiled at Rie'ka and the child Rie'ka looked at me whispering something to As'za I turned I stopped in shock.

" Sey'ina! " I said she turned confused then gasped
It was a huge wolf big as the Tsurak's I looked at it scared Sey'ina came to me " she is a Tizala.... " she started " clan protectors. " she said " like your Tulkun they are like our Spirit siblings but they are our Spirit Protectors! " she explained " you must be accepted by her... " she said the wolf came to me sniffing me Sey'ina looked scared and worried
The Tizala made a noise Sey'ina smiled " you are accepted by them Rotxo! She accepts you! " she said excitedly I smiled at her " she is my Spirit Protector her name is Rak'ley! Meaning Pure Light! " she said I nodded I saw Rie'ka staring at me shocked.

We walked around the clan everything glowed I smiled looking around I tapped on a plant it glowed red I never seen a plant do that before I tapped another then repeated I heard Sey'ina giggling
" what are they? " I asked her looking at her
" Zia'nina's.... red glows! Fun to play with. " she said as I tapped on another " very fun! " I said she chuckled.

" it is getting dark... " she said looking up " come I'll show you where you'll sleep! " she said I followed her across the branches their were cocoons things I titled my head " you are here! " she said stopping next to one it was two different color purple and blue it sparkled and glowed I looked at Sey'ina confused she smiled up at me I went in it I looked around it felt weird " training will start tomorrow... I'll meet you on the branches over there! " she said pointing I nodded she left I closed my eyes going to sleep.

Next morning -

I woke up I got out of the cocoon looking back at it but left to meet up with Sey'ina I saw her already waiting she turned smiling at me " sorry if I kept you waiting long... " I said " not long. " she said " come I must show you something. " she said we got to a meadow area there were ashes on the ground I looked at my feet lifting it up seeing the bottom covered with Ash " you alright blue boy? " someone asked I turned seeing one of the people he had curly hair bits of it tangled and braided his hair was a lighter red " Yeah... " I said he was on some sort of creature that reminded me of a Skimming.

He snickered Sey'ina came " Yawari, leave him
alone. " she said coming back with a creature similar to the boy's but a little bit different " this is a Pho'lati gentle creatures. You must ride if you want to live here. " she said I nodded " Tey'zey is female. " she said holding onto " calm, calm good Tey'zey! " she whispered to Tey'zey I got on well try to I fell off the ashes went up I heard laughing she came and helped me " Blue boy can't even get on how is he supposed to live survive and thrive here? " Yawari asked.

I turned to him he was now with two other people
Sey'ina sighed and stared at him annoyed " come! " she told me I turned to her " ignore them they are mean. Try again! " she said I nodded and tried but failed " there is a trick to getting on! " she said I turned to her " what is the trick? " I asked her
" She cannot tell you Moron! You must figure it out yourself! Every young warrior must! " Yawari said
we turned to him then she turned to me " it is true I cannot tell you Rotxo every trick to these creatures are different I would not know what your even is... I am sorry. " She said " I understand... " I said " beside if she did know and told you it was be less fun! " Yawari friend said.

Yawari friends laughed " Go! " she commanded to them turning around he walked towards us " what makes you think you can tell us what to do? " Yawari asked " I am next Tsahik! And when I become one I will make sure you will lose yours powers for good! " she said turning to him " let me go! " she commanded " now! " she said seriously he let go of her arm and left with his friends " come. " she said to me I followed her we ran across the volcano up to the top she turned to me making sure I was still there and stopped " this is our Home Volcano. " she said walking around " you can see everything from here! " she said slightly turning to me.

" this place is very beautiful. " I said looking out " it is. " she said " I always love coming up here. " she said we heard a noise we turned seeing someone coming in on a Pho'lati he landed the creature screeched he got down " I See You, Sey'ina. " the boy said to her she did it back I did too " hello I'm Nan'ko! " he said to me " Rotxo. " I replied " did you earn your Pho'lati yet Rotxo? It is amazing to fly on those creatures. " he said " no not yet. " I said " he has not figure out the trick yet. " she told him.

" you'll get there everyone does. " he said " anyways gotta go! " he said he left " he was nice. " I said " yes. He is... " she said looking down " what is wrong Sey'ina? " I asked her " nothing Rotxo I am fine come let's go back! " she said pulling I could tell something was wrong but I let it slide and followed her away back it was night time I went to my cocoon and climbed inside going to sleep.

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