Chapter 3 - The Scared Places

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( This chapter has been re-edited because I realized something and changed my mistake. )

Rotxo POV -

I watched her climb behind a statue " this is the Great Lonza'nti. A fearless creature of the Volcanic people... " she said swinging herself underneath the creature onto the other side of it " he is apart of our Totem. We look up to him. Nobody has ever been able to ride him. Not even the greatest warriors! " she said petting the statue I stared into the Lonza'nti eyes it looked vicious and cruel lifeless almost.

We ran through the forest " this the Trail Forest. One of our most scarred places. Lies behind our Home Volcano. " she said looking back at me she turned  spreading out her arms happily touching the tendrils I touched them she stop turning around chuckling she ran to me I noticed the tendril touch turned clear and yellow at my touch I titled my head confused she giggled gently grabbing the upper part of it above my hand " these are the lines through Eywa. You can feel her and connected with her through here. " she said.

The part she touched turned a fiery brown red color she connected her braid to the colored part of the Tendrils I did the same hearing singing and people talking kids playing around I gasped and smiled chuckling a bit I opened my eyes seeing her smiling up at me " I can hear them. Who are they? " I asked she gently broke the bond and fame towards mine I noticed the color changing back and mine changing a bit brownish when she connected I don't know why but I smiled a bit.

She smiled hearing the singing and voices she giggled happily she opened her eyes turning to me happily " they are our ancestors, Rotxo. Way before our time. They live though here. Through The Lines Of Eywa! " she said smiling I saw the color part of the tendrils shining mixed between brown and clear she let go it turned back to clear and yellow.

She went deeper into The Line Of Eywa spinning around with every step happily she turned to me smiling she came to me gently taking my hand
" come, there is someone I would like for you to meet. " she said " come! " she said more like a command I followed her to a clearly the ground was dark black I'm guessing from the ashes their were red fiery looking stones and rocks " do not touch those they burn you in seconds. " she said
" my brother learned that the hard way. " she said I looked at her shocked.

She exclaimed calling something a Horse like creature came running he saw me charging towards me she stopped him in time I fell backwards frightened " calm Silt'ma calm. " she said petting him she turned to me " this is a Za'tika he is male.
Good Silt'ma. " she said giggling as he pushed against her I got up he glared at me " his name is Silt'ma. He is mine. and I am his all young hunters must take one wether it is female or male. In order to complete their Rite Of Passage. " she said getting on him.

" and as will you! " she said " when? " I asked
" when my father says you are ready.... " she said
" ready for what? " I asked " to become part of our people. " she said then exclaimed riding around the place I laughed she ran off.

I smiled she looked at me smiling happily petting Silt'ma I turned watching her we went to a cove
" this is The Healing Cove once the bond is made... " she said creating the bond to a tree the vines opened up I titled my head curiously " they will allow you to
enter. " she said going side the bond stayed I tried going in but the vines closed shutting me out.

" you must create the bond to enter Rotxo! " she yelled gently grabbed a vine connecting with only to get thrown backwards I screamed I heard giggling I coughed because of the smoke I looked towards the laughing seeing Sey'ina she ran to me helping me up still laughing I noticed her bond broke " you cannot bond with just any of them Ma Rotxo. Only with yours. " she said looking at the vines " how do I find mine? " I asked.

" you must feel him. Through here. " she placed her hand on my heart " that is how you'll find him. Once you found him you must wait and see if he also chooses you. " she said " how will he chooses me? " I asked " he will create the bond easily or throw you like she did. " she said looking at the vine she slapped angrily " hey! Ow! I'm sorry! " I said she went back to the other vines falling next to them Sey'ina laughed I turned to her she started to giggle looking at me.

" she is quite a stubborn one. Whoever bondedwith her was luckily she chooses them. " she said I nodded rubbing my cheek " do they have names? " I asked curiously a vine slowly rosed and came to us
" yes. Some. Those who have a strong and deep bond with the people. " she petting the vine " what is this one name? " I asked knowing it was hers " her name is Rota. She is very curious. " she said " like with your Tulkun these are our Spirit siblings. " she said
" Rota is my spirit sister. " she said giggling as Rota curiously came to me I backed up surprised " hi! " I said I laughed.

We went back to the Home Volcano " dad what is happening? " she asked we saw him worrying with his mate I looked at them " nothing. Have you been teaching Rotxo our ways, daughter? " he asked her.
" yes. I showed him The Lines Through Eywa. And The Healing Cove. " she said " he got thrown by Za'ite didn't he? " Sya'ia asked laughing a bit
Sey'ina giggled moving looking down nodding.

" Za'ite is very stubborn that vine is a death trap no one has bonded with her that's why she bares the name Death Of You. " Tar'tu said laughing bit
Sey'ina slapped him " she'll bond with someone. And as will Rotxo. " she said I went to my cocoon I thought about her Za'ite I turned looking towards the Healing Cove.

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