2 • This is only the beginning

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The yellow liquid filled the cup, sloshing slightly as small bubbles fizzed to the top of the cup and popped at the surface, something about the liquid was almost hypnotic. Maybe it was the way it shimmered or maybe it was just it's chemical properties. Loser wasn't sure.

Beside him Pin and Needle were happily chatting to each other, helping to wrap the small fairy lights around the cup.  And on his left Eggy was lecturing Firey on how to properly carve the right shape out of the rock candy. He really did love his team, that's why he couldn't afford to lose Cake, he couldn't afford cracks in the team show. Sure, the cracks were there, they've always existed but to the untrained eye they could go undetected.

The tension between Firey and Leafy before she was moved back to beep, Eggy's stubborn personality, the entire team's tendency to forget Clock, and let's not forget that most of the original WOAH bunch is in there.

He noticed it all, but no one else did. And if anyone was observant enough to see the imperfections, they clearly didn't care about pointing them out. As Loser blankly pondered muffled conversations around him continued some sounding heated, others much more calm and organised.


"Leafy!! We don't need that stop adding unnecessary things!" Nickel shouted, pushing her away from their cup. Leafy was already missing the Losers, though not restricted to their teams, everyone had agreed to sleep in their team cabins so everything was organised. Leafy was already wishing she hadn't. Still! Being nice is the right thing to do, "Uh.. okay then!" she strained a smile.

Their cup looked like, welk a trainwreck to say the least, the only people co-operating with eachother were Cloudy and Balloony.  "We aren't getting that prize are we..?" Balloony sighed, looking over to Cloudy. Cloudy dropped the item in his mouth and spoke in his thick accent, "Awh I won'td ged dto collecd the prize?" Cloudy replied somberly, Balloony simply patted him in return.

(Cloudys accent is so hard to write lmk if i should just write it normally!)


By now, most teams had nearly making and decorating their finished their beverages, but GABOP had barely even started, even despite the fact they were the most co-operative teams there compared to others. "It's so grEIGHT that you and Taco are getting along now Book!" Saw happily exclaimed, all of the team was relived the fighting was over. "Yeah! I don't want to treat anyone like that again" Book smiled, looking over to Taco.

"Okay, okay, I hate to spoil the happy moment but can we please start organising our drink, we're the only team who aren't nearly done" Lollipop interrupted, bringing the rest of the team into acknowledgment of their situation.  Teardrop angrily stared at Lollipop as she had been trying to get everyone's attention for the past 10 minutes, whereas it took Lollipop a mere amount of seconds. "Alright! Let's get to work then," Gaty replied.

A couple minutes had passed and despite their good relationships, no one could decide on a theme so, Taco suggested something else, "How about we all put a small bit of what we want in or around the glass so it represents us all, the team name is a mixture of all ours after all". After a few seconds of consideration, her team seemed to agree and they each added their own thing.

Although it took a good portion of time, Teardrop painted a cute mural to their team onto the side of the cup, it displayed the team, half looking like they were posing for a picture and partially looking like they were just hanging out. Gaty added a purple tinted mixture into the cup, her own secret recipe. Lollipop added small sugar letters, enough to spell out all their names if you took them out and rearranged them. Thankfully, they were slow dissolving so they should create a sweet taste but still add the correct affect. Saw added a small lime slice on the edge of the cup, nobody really understood why but it just fit in its own special way. Dora added some dirt. Taco cringed, she really hoped no one else had seen that.

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