4 • Happy little accidents

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Death pact had decided to stay together when they went into the forest for cover, well, except for Pen. He had run off to who knows where despite them asking him to go with them. So it was just the 7 of them. Tree was anxious that Liy or Pillow would leave to explore on their own, he worried that Liy may not have fully forgiven them even though she got over that a month after being released from the exit and Pillow is well, Pillow. Night had passed, the sunrise looked beautiful, it's yellows and pinks lighting the sky and it gave the 4 members of death pact on lookout, something to admire.

"How long do you think this is going to last?" Tree sighed, Blackhole looked over to him, not that anyone could tell but he just wanted to see what sort of expression was on Tree's face, "What do you mean?". "I just- I don't know, no one even tried helping Cake so, whatever he caught could now easily spread, which well it did, to Basketball and Book but what if it gets to everyone..?" Tree rambled pressing his head into his hands. This caught Liy and Remote's attention, "Hey don't say that Tree... i'm sure everything will be okay" Remote reassured him in her robotic voice.

For a minute there was silence, Remote stepped on Liy's foot, "Ow what?" Remote gestured to Tree, who still looked solemn, "Finee.." she sighed, getting the gist that they all needed to say something to fully convince him nothing horrendously bad would happen. "We're going to be okay, and the others will too, we might be apart for a while but everything will ultimately work itself out..?" Liy sheepishly smiled at Remote hoping she had said enough to Tree. With a shaky breath Tree stood himself up fully, "T-thanks, when the others get up we'll have to start looking for food" he decided, due to the fact that, as a death preventer, he knew they have to be prepared to supply them, and any others they may find.

Before anyone could respond the shelter shook slightly, and Bottle emerged, "Goood morning!" she cheerfully stretched her arms, and shielded her eyes as she looked at the sun. Soon after Pillow and Pie followed her out, Pie groggily rubbed her eyes, for an odd reason, it always took her longer to adjust when waking up. "So we're looking for food?" Pillow asked, "Weren't you asleep when I said that?" Tree replied, genuinely confused.
"Oh. You thought I slept?" she smiled sweetly at Trees concerned face. "Riight... Is everyone here?" Blackhole queried, dismissing Pillow's oddities. Several murmurs of agreement replied and they were ready to set off.

It was strange, without context this could've been a normal day, a regular group bonding that Pen decided not to show up to—per usual. But normality can't last forever, and the seven objects had no idea what was going to happen. Around half an hour had passed and not much food had been found, early on Pillow found some neon green berries but Tree stopped her before she could take a bite, thankfully he was quite knowledgeable on nature and recognised them as poisonous.

"I think i'm going to have to eat Pie if we don't find anything soonn..." Liy groaned, clutching her stomach, "Uh- let's not joke about that?" Blackhole responded. "Who said I was joking?" Liy mumbled quiet enough so only she would hear it. "Does anyone else see that shiny thing over there?" Pie stepped over to the side, pointing to her left where, just like she said there was a shiny thing... An axe. "Let's go investigate!" Pillow exclaimed running over before anyone could stop or reason with her.

Once everyone had caught up with her they found Pillow brandishing the axe, swinging it about like a madman. "Pillow you really need to stop running off like that, what if an infected attacks yo-" Tree began scolding her but was cut off by Pillow swinging the axe and just missing his face, "Augh! Pillow!".
"Ooops!" she giggled to herself. "Alright someone get that off her please.." Blackhole instructed, causing Pillow to step back, "Finders keepers!".

Liy attempted to grab it out her hands but Pillow was too quick to move, "Actually, gh- it was PIE who found it so in your logic it's hers" Liy corrected her, albeit unsuccessful in getting the axe away from her. Just before he got the chance to help try restrain Pillow, Trees entire body froze, that same incomprehensible mumbling from yesterday. He swore he heard it. Tree's feet felt glued to the ground as his eyes darted in every which direction, not focusing on the yells of frustration beside him. "I think we need to go.".
"What?! But Tree, Pillow still has the axe.." Pie refuted, pointing at her. Tree dismissed her disagreement, "That doesn't matter right now, we need to g-"

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