5 • Days go on...

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-Dehydration is not a thing in the object world, drinking is optional but non-food objects CAN starve.
-Food objects instead get their energy from sleeping and sunlight, a lack of one of these can cause them to faint. Or worse case scenario, die of exhaustion.

Enjoy the chapter!

Fries and Gelatin had found eachother on the fifth morning...or maybe fourth? Despite their time in the forest being less than a week it was becoming noticeably harder and harder to keep track of the days. Either way, the morning Gelatin found Fries slumbering he gave him quite the scare.

Gelatin strolled through the endless maze of trees barely seeing where he was going due to the lack of light shining from the moon. Gelatin had found Nickel just the day before but he had started coughing up this weird yellow stuff so he thought it best to get away from him the minute he could. And so here he was, wondering all throughout the day and uncomfortably sleeping in trees at night. Either way, he kept walking, he couldn't sleep so it was his only other option. In the distance he noticed a red object on the ground. Without thinking, Gelatin ran over to them and leaned over, it was Fries! He was snoring very loudly, it was a miracle he didn't wake himself up.

"Friess.. hey Fries.." he whispered, but it wasn't enough to wake him. Gelatin breathed in, and as loud as he could, he yelled, "Wake up sleepyhead!!" Gelatin's shout could've probably been heard from the other side of the forest, but hey, it woke Fries up. "Augh! What the hell Gelatin?!" he hissed, trying to keep his voice down. Fries stood up, he seemed rather frustrated with the dessert. Gelatin had already began wandering again, Fries didn't know what came over him, but he followed. Perhaps the feeling of loneliness..?

"Why did you wake me up?", Gelatin turned to face him, "Because I can!" he laughed, "No but for real, we both needed some to get through this with right?".
"Uh I guess so.." Fries reluctantly agreed, not really wanting to admit he wanted some company.

Now the night had passed and the pair were just waking up. Fries had been laid on the floor, claiming his fries would fall out if he slept in the tree. Gelatin dropped down from oak, winking and clicking his fingers before bowing, "Yes yes thank you, i'm a very talented climber", Fries simply rolled his eyes at him, despite holding back laughter. "I know you love my talent" Gelatin boasted, damn if his ego isn't the death of him I don't know what will. "Frieeess", Gelatin leaned closer, "What" he responded in a sour tone. "So i've been wondering for a while, do you need food because yanno, you're not actually the food, just the cardboard container right?" ,to be fair to him, that was actually a reasonable question.

Fries thought for a moment, he had considered it but never fully thought about it. Sure he could be classed as a food object, but he could live without his food body parts, unlike Lollipop who couldn't live without her lolly as it acted similarly to a human head. "I dunno, I haven't really gone long enough without eating to ever find out." he admitted, Gelatin looked disappointed, stopping to think for a second.

"Soo.. what if you stopped eating to see how long you'd last?" Gelatin suggested, Fries raised an eyebrow in disbelief, "Even you know that's a stupid idea." Gelatin opened his mouth theatrically, posing as if Fries had greatly offended him. "Don't look at me like that, you know it wouldn't end well" Fries couldn't help himself but chuckle at the dramatic dessert. "Are you sure you're ok..? You haven't eaten for three days Gaty.." ,Fries whipped his head round in attempt to detect where the speech had came from.

Gelatin leaned into him, "Did you hear that..?" he whispered, Fries sucked in his lips and nodded. "I think they're ok, I don't think the infected have the ability to you know, speak.". Fries sighed, "Fine... let's go check then" he reluctantly began walking towards his left. "Ohh..? What's that little droplet, you hear someone.?" ,from what they had inferred, there were three people in the group, Gaty, Teardrop and someone else. Someone confident and sassy.

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