Chapter 1

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Third yawned; he was not a morning shopping person, he preferred to spend the time before 9am in the comfort of the home, not in a crowded supermarket on Friday morning, his stomach empty. There was about four people with loaded shopping carts in the queue infront of him and he cursed the person who decided to open only one of the six cashiers. "Third? Oh my god it is you!" A voice too close to him exclaimed and Third lazily turned around to see his friend with shopping cart filled to the brim with alcohol and snacks. "Oh hey Two...having a party?" He gestured towards the cart. Two smiled. "Don't you remember what's tomorrow?"

Third frowned. "Weekend, right?" "First of November!" Two's smile widened. "Come on, it's our graduation date. Well, three years ago. Reunion, remember? You didn't come last year or the year before that; we all really miss you." Damn, was he already 24? Third yawned again. He wanted a quiet weekend, not a party, especially with so many people of which half of he'd rather forget. "I don't know, I might be busy." He said, stepping closer to the cashier. "Please, don't you want to see the old gang?" Third raised an eyebrow. "I do, he gonna be there too?" "He?" Two faked oblivion. "Oh, you mean Khai? Yeah he's coming. I guess you two haven't talked since then, huh?"

Third shook his head. He didn't have any desire to talk to his cheating ex-boyfriend who in their last year broke his heart and humiliated him in front of a crowd of people. He shuddered at the memory. "I'm not sure I wanna see him." He admitted. "There will be like thirty people; you don't have to interact if you don't want to. Bone would love to see you and P'Un too; I live with him so he'll be there. Bone is staying over tonight so if you'd like, you can come earlier in the day and have lunch with us since most people will come around 4. Here's gonna be a barbecue and everything. Please come?" Two's smile was practically beaming at this point. It was too early, Third was too tired and without any energy to argue back or come up with an excuse.

"Fine fine, I'll come. Stop smiling at me like that, it's so creepy." He agreed and turned back when the line moved again and it was his turn at the cashier. Third emptied his basket onto the conveyor belt, shielding it from Two as best as he could, but his friend still noticed the few strange items in Third's shopping before he could stash them into the bag. Why on earth did he need baby powder and nappies? And what was with the apples and carrots that Third was definitely allergic to? "I'll come after 3!" Third called over the shoulder as he grabbed his bag and scurried out of the shop.


"Thanks Jennie, you're a life saver. I didn't think mom would have outing with friends today." Third frantically searched his closet for a good top to match with his jeans. Once he finally settled on the outfit it was time to deck out his wrists with bracelets and put some earring in too. "It's okay, you know I'm always happy to babysit for you." "I promise I'll be back by 7." Third tousled his hair a little to give his mushroom cut a little curl and definition. "Oh no no no baby boy, you properly enjoy yourself, stay the night if you want. God knows you need it. Come here, let me decorate you a little." Jennie rummaged through the make up bag on Third's table before pulling him closer and decorating his eyes with a silver eyeliner and his mouth with a soft layer of pink gloss. "Your ex is gonna be there, right? Show him what he's missing." Jennie smiled, patting his shoulder. "Now go, have fun."

Third looked at himself in the mirror and smiled; when was the last time he made himself this pretty? It's been a long time since he went to any party or even hang out with friends outside of his house, so when he looked at his reflection, he couldn't help but smile. He looked as what his mom would describe as 'a confident gay' and he was loving it. He grabbed his car keys and before leaving stepped into the living room to see his little bundle of joy still sleeping, his nap time undisturbed. "I'll call you if I decide to stay late. See ya!" He waved before leaving in his car. Luckily Two still lived in the same house and Third didn't have a trouble to finding it. The trouble came when he parked on the street next to Two's house and saw a very familiar motorcycle already parked by the driveway.

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