Chapter 5

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Third woke up to a pleasant smell of coffee and toast that filled the room as soon as the person carrying it cracked open the door. He sniffed around, arm stroking the empty bed. "Mmm Khai?" He groaned. Khai slowly placed a tray of breakfast onto Third's table and gently helped the hungover man to sit up. Third groaned again. "Oh my god, my head is killing me." "Here, water and ibuprofen." Khai handed over a glass and a pill, making sure Third took at least three gulps to get the medicine to his stomach. " made breakfast? Oh, where is-" "Chimon is with Jennie, remember? They're playing in the living room now. Here, pancakes." Khai set the tray onto his lap, cutting the sweet treat. Third graciously accepted the hand feeding him, lazily chewing as Khai jabbed at the food over and over, bringing it to his mouth.

"Khai..." Third rested his head against Khai's shoulder. "About last night?" Khai asked. A nod. "You said you're inlove with me...and we kissed, more than once. Does that mean I get another chance?" Khai gently stroked Third's back, watching as the man beside him slowly picked up the steaming mug and took a long sip of his coffee. Making sure not to spill Third carefully placed the mug back on its saucer before pulling away from Khai so he could look him in the eye. "If you screw this up I'm going to hunt you down with a machete." Khai eagerly nodded. "I promise, I promise I won't screw this up! I want to be with you, you and Chimon. Please let me take care of you both. We can take it slow." "What if I say I will never have sex with you?" Third raised an eyebrow. He was surprised when Khai shrugged with a smile. "I don't care. As long as you allow me to be by your side, sex isn't important to me. I never want to lose you again."

Third felt his heart skip a beat. Khai's words were sincere and the tone of his voice soft and
honest, it was more than enough for Third to fall into his arms, but he restrained himself and instead took his hands to his own. "I want you to know that Chimon will always come first. He's the most important to me." Khai nodded. "I know. Yesterday you weren't happy yet you pulled through for him and had the party." Third smiled. "I have to be okay for him, even if on the inside I'm not okay. I was really happy though, to have your support. I'm willing to give you a chance. To give us both a chance. But let's just take it slow, yeah? Perhaps...not tell others yet." Khai nodded again, kissing Third's hands. "Of course. Now finish up your breakfast."


"Alright, I'm off!" "Hold up young man!" His mother blocked his path with arms crossed on her chest and a stern expression on her face. "Where are you going?" Third zipped up his boots and gave her a hesitant smile. "I told you, library." "Uh-Huh. How long do you think I've known you? You're really bad at lying, baby boy. I'm okay watching Chimon, but at least tell me where is his father going." She tapped her foot. "Library?" "Third!" Third pouted. "Fine! I'm going on a date with Khai. Happy?" His mother sighed, looking over his shoulder to check if Third's voice woke up the napping toddler. When the little guy didn't move, she turned her attention back to her son who was now applying a tinted lip balm and making a kissy face at his mirror reflection. "Oh? That's surprising."

Third frowned. "Why?" "Well, ever since the party, whenever Khai comes you two seem tense and won't even sit next to each other so I thought you had an argument. Are you dating again and just don't want me to know? So you distance whenever I'm in the room?" His mother raised an eyebrow. Third rolled his eyes. "It's not like its easy telling you about this, is it? Besides it's been just two months...don't tell anyone, yeah?" She nodded and fixed Third's crumpled up sleeve. His phone beeped and he smiled at the screen. 'I'm here.' read the message. "I'll see you later." He run around her, lips already curled into a smile upon the first sight of his boyfriend. Khai sat on his motorcycle with the spare helmet in his hands, graciously accepting the tiny peck on cheek Third gave him. "Where are we going today?" Third asked, letting Khai put the helmet on him.


"Mom knows." Third yawned. They cuddled on the blanket Khai laid down by the beach, lazily eating curly fries. Third played with Khai's necklace, twisting it around his finger. "Huh?" "My mom, she knows about us. She almost didn't let me leave today." Third sighed as he dropped the silver chain and reached for another spicy cheesy treat and slowly chewed on it. The sun was setting and the beach had only few other people on it, none of them seemed to mind the young gay couple hugging. After leaving Third's home Khai drove them to the cliff overseeing the beach where in a small pub they ate their lunch and grabbed a box of curly fries to snack on on the beach.

"Are you mad that she knows?" Khai asked hesitantly. Not that he minded taking it slow but sneaking around Third's mother was exhausting, always being on high alert when he visited and they had to pretend nothing is going on. Third shook his head. "No, not really. I asked her to keep it to herself but I'm pretty sure that when I get home, Jennie will be there and she will tell her. Those two gossip so much, it's like living in a drama. I think it's good that she knows now. I'm tired of pulling away from you whenever mom comes in the room." As in to confirm his words, Third cuddled himself closer and hugged Khai's torso tighter, yawning again.

"Also my excuses to where am I going are running out. I'm sleepy, can we go back before I doze off?" "Yeah, sure, but you have to let me go first." Khai joked, trying to pull away from the octopus arms strangling him. Third giggled when he refused to let go and instead dragged Khai back to the ground, their chests colliding. "Hey Khai..." "Hm?" Khai tried to restrain himself from staring at Third's lips by looking to the side. Their faces were so close. "Wanna stay with me tonight?" Khai pulled Third up, picking up the blanket and empty fries box. "You usually don't ask me that question when I'm at your place." "That's because you always sleep in the guest room. I'm asking if you want...Damn it Khai, don't make me say it." Third blushed profusely.


It was such an adorable scene Khai couldn't help but stare in awe as Third finished singing the Pokèmon song to his dozing off baby and giving him kisses and cuddles before handing the little bundle of joy to his mother. She looked him up and down, eyebrow raised. Has he always owned these pyjamas? "Well, goodnight Ma, goodnight Chi." He stroked the baby's hair. "Darling.." She stoped him as he started to walk back into his room. Third turned around. "What is it?" His mother placed a hand on his shoulder, smiling knowingly. "Just...keep it down, yeah?" "Mom!" Third blushed and promptly scurried to his bedroom where Khai was bent over, muffling his laugh with a pillow. "Wow, she's really cautious, isn't she? At least you got a heads up. When you were giving Chimon bath, she gave me this." Khai held up a packet of condoms before bursting out laughing once more.

Third slapped the packet out of his hand and tossed it at his desk. "Geez, she's way too accepting of us, I don't like it. What are we; teenagers who can't buy their own protection?" He rolled his eyes, climbing onto bed and immediately hanging his leg and arm over Khai's body. "Trust me, now that she knows I'm not in the mood anymore." Khai sincerely chuckled, rubbing Third's back gently. "Tell me about it. Man..." "Third?" "Yeah?" "Would you like to live with me?" Third propped himself up on one arm, his face surprised. "Huh? What do you mean?" Khai sat up properly. He wasn't sure what prompted him to ask such question but he wasn't going to apologise for it either. "You and Mon and me, living together. I don't mean now, the future. When our relationship is stable, you could move in with me, or we could find a place completely new. We've already moved on from the past,'s my time to fight for you. I want to be with you, to be there for you and your son every day. I want to cherish the two of you for the rest of my life."

Third chuckled. "Damn, that almost sounds like a marriage proposal." "That can come later too." Khai softly brushed the hair off of Third's forehead and placed a gentle kiss there. "I know I promised we'll take things slow, which is why I'm talking about this now. Not to rush you, but to give you time to think. As much time as you want and need. And if the answer ends up being 'no', that's fine. I will still be by your side." 

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