Chapter 2

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It was the pounding headache that woke Third up from his precious sleep. He was usually awoken by a whiny baby but today it was quiet and the only sound was the clanking in his head. Third swallowed the bitter taste in his mouth and rolled over onto his back, trying to remember the events of previous day. He came to the party, talked to Un...then there was a big blur and suddenly Khai was in his bedroom. Third abruptly sat up and looked around only to see a familiar denim jacket hanging over the chair. It felt like his brain short circuited when he remember crying into Khai's shirt and cuddling him. Third couldn't remember a single word he said, just his tears and Khai's hug.

Reluctantly Third got out of the bedroom and straight to the bathroom, checking his neck for any hickeys, cursing himself in the process for drinking alcohol. The silver eyeliner was now smudged around his eyes like a glittery mess and his hair was a fluffy nest that desperately needed taming. He quickly cleaned his face, combed the hair and brushed his teeth before tiptoeing out and sneaking into the living room. His eyes widened when he noticed Khai sitting on the floor, stacking colourful cubes into a tower and letting the baby to knock them down which resulted in a burst of giggles. Jennie was sat on the sofa with a magazine but her eyes occasionally darted towards Khai, giving him the stink eye. Third slowly walked into the living room, accidentally stepping on a toy that alerted all three.

"Morning." He yawned. Jennie shot out of the sofa. "Sit down, I made breakfast." She said, glancing towards Khai again. Third knelt down and finally got Chimon's attention, making him squeal 'dada' as he crawled on all four into Third's lap. "Hello my little angel. Good morning, I hope you were nice to Jennie." Third smiled, kissing the baby's cheeks and forehead. "Oh he was a delight as usual. Here you go." Jennie places a tray beside him and promptly exited the room, calling bye bye over her shoulder. Surprisingly enough the atmosphere didn't turn awkward as Third picked up a fork and dig into the stack of fluffy pancakes speckled with cinnamon. "Thanks for this." He said towards Khai, letting Chimon to nibble on the pancake too.

Khai raised an eyebrow. "How did you know?" "Jennie can't cook, she will burn even a boiled egg. Besides, you used to make these for me when we..." Third's voice trailed off and he took another bite. Damn, how nostalgic this felt. He quietly continued eating while the baby crawled back on the floor and played, not even noticing his tears flowing until there was a salty taste in his mouth from the tears that run over his lips. "Oi, hey, what's wrong?" Khai panicked. When he tried to wipe Third's cheeks the guy pushed him away angrily. "Why did you just stood there and did nothing? How could you do this to me?" "I don't-" Third roughly wiped his eyes when he noticed his baby starting to get upset and out on a big smile while hissing through his grit teeth. "Just. Get. Out. Of. My. Life." Khai didn't hesitate and just calmly walked out, leaving Third and Chimon alone. Reluctantly Third finished the pancakes and focused on the baby, trying to ignore the painful feeling in his chest.


Bone laughed so hard it shook the house. He was laying on his back with legs up with Chimon laid on his feet. Bone was making airplane noises and moved his legs to move the little one around while Chimon giggled and drooled spit on his chest. Two was crouched circling them like a vulture, snapping dozens of photos from all the angles and Un was recording the whole ordeal on his phone. What started as Chimon meeting his uncles for lunch a month ago turned into the three grown ass men coming over every few days and just gushing over the baby while Third was closed in his office, working. He told them they don't have to come, he could hire a babysitter, but the three seemed to be very invested in Chimon. And it was just a month in when Two video-called Third before coming over to ask a possibly touchy question.

"Uhm Third...we'll bring lunch today, yeah? I was just wondering..." Two's eyes looked away from the screen. Third had a hunch something was up. "What is it?" "Well...Khai is here. So I just...can he tag along?" Two finally said as he pulled the man in question into the frame and Khai awkwardly waved. It took Third by surprise but he didn't say no. Instead he just curtly nodded and hung up, silently freaking out. Khai was occasionally brought into conversation when the three uncles visited but he never came in person and Third wasn't sure if he wanted him to. Last time they saw each other he screamed at him through tears and pancakes after all. In the end Third tried to behave like normal when Khai came, but wouldn't meet his eyes or directly talk to him. Khai went out for fresh air and Bone immediately grabbed Third by the shoulders and pushed him into the garden. "You two need to talk, because no one here likes the tension." He frowned and locked the door, leaving shocked Third just standing on the back porch.

Of course Khai noticed him right away but didn't dare to approach. Instead he sat by the little pond and threw some pebbles around. After taking a deep breath Third finally took a step forward and joined him on the bench. "Thanks for bringing the lunch. Sorry they dragged you here like that." Khai shook his head. "No, I wanted to come myself. I know you don't really want to see me but I'd like to apologise to you. And I'd like for you to hear what I want to say. I don't know if you'll accept my apology or not, and I won't be surprised if you don't. I just want to explain, please hear me out." At those words Third shifted uncomfortably in his seat. It's not like he had anything to lose by listening to Khai for a few minutes, but he didn't want to remember that awful time again. He didn't want to get upset. "I'm listening."

Khai stared at his knees before getting the courage to actually look up at Third and speak. "I didn't cheat on you. She wanted to date me and wouldn't take no for an answer until I told her about you and she threatened to out me to my parents. I was so terrified, my dad has always been so homophobic...So I agreed to date her, but she wanted it to end between you and me. I know it's not an excuse, but I'm truly sorry for not standing up for you. I'm ashamed about my cowardice. I'm still regretting it to this day, hurting you so much. She and I broke up before graduation because she cheated on me since I wouldn't have sex with her. She had her revenge tho; outed me to my folks and they basically disowned me." Third gasped at that last statement. His mom was always very supportive of his sexuality and even though his dad was married to someone else now and they weren't that close he was still very much okay with it too. He couldn't even imagine how awful it would be, not having the love and support of his parents.

"Damn, I'm sorry." He muttered. "Don't be, I deserved it. It actually made me feel better after what I've done to you. I've been wanting to punish myself for it and I guess that wish was granted by my parents...I'm really sorry. I wish I could repent somehow." Khai admitted. Third was rummaging through his brain to find some suitable answer but nothing came to mind at all. He thought girls this insane could only be in k-dramas. Khai didn't sleep with her? That seemed shocking to Third, more than his parents kicking Khai out. "I think... I think I forgive you. I'm not really sure how to act around you though, I spent quite a lot of time mentally stabbing you and torturing you." Third chuckled. Khai finally saw that genuine smile from few years ago.

"I don't blame you, I'm surprised you didn't hit me when we saw each other at the party." Khai finally smiled too and pointed behind his shoulder at the house. "Who would have thought you have a kid now...Damn. Tell me the truth; did you give birth to him yourself? He looks just like you, it's insane." "So many people have already asked that question that I'm slowly starting to believe it too." Third shook his head and turn around to see Bone, Un and Two just gawking at them through the window with baby Chimon in Bone's arms. "How did it even happen? I mean... you're're still gay, right?" "Oh, the others didn't tell you?" Third grinned as the men in question scurried away from the window. "I had identity crisis. I was debating if I'm really gay since I've never been with a woman, and my friend who's a lesbian was wondering if she's really into girls or just didn't try guys so we got drunk know. She wasn't ready for abortion but didn't want to keep the baby either so I have full parental rights."

"Is she in contact at all?" Khai's voice turned worried but Third just smiled and comfortingly patted his leg. "No, but that's okay, really. We're doing great, really great. I'm not alone, my mom helps, Jennie helps, and now these three clowns..." Third grinned when he saw them in the window again, this time Two holding the baby. Khai smiled as he took Third's hands into his own. "Can I help too?" 

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