The meeting

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Din's pov:

I was outside of Bay's house waiting for him to go to work at the café.

Bay are you ready yet!? I yelled

Bay: Yeah, give me a sec to get my keys

Alright, hurry up or we're gonna be late!

Finally Bay comes out of his house an we ran to the café so we won't be late.

*Arrived at the café*

Bay: We finally arrived!

Din: And just in time now let's go in before our Boss gets mad..

They both went inside and putted on their aprins an hats.

Bay: We look stylish as always U.U

Din: I do agree with that. Hehe

The bell of the door rings and 3 guys came in.

Leen: Din,Bay we have customers!

Din: Bay go take them to a table of 3 i will come an order :)

Bay: Fine.. * he goes to accomodate the customers*

Bay: Alright may you 3 please follow me- * he looks up and he saw tha purpled hair guy *

Bay: PUR! * hugs Pur*

Pur: Hey Bay, how have u been?

Bay: I've been great! Come ill get u a table for ur friends and you!

??: Ty buddy!

* Bay show's them the table and they sat *

Bay: Din will come and get you guys's orer * Bay leaves*

Pur: Wait- gosh..

?? : Soo u wanted to tell him something (¬‿¬)

Pur: Well no shit Lang.

??: Damn Boss is mad.

Lang: Oh shut up Pikachu (¬_¬ )

Oti: For the last time my name is fucking Oti not Pikachu.

Lang: Well you look like one.

Oti: Ill choke u till u die.

Lang: Make me *grins*

Pur: Guys. Stop.

Both: Sorry Boss..

Pur: Please call me Pur when we are in public.

* Din comes to the table *

Din : Sorry for being late but Bay accidently cut himself. (¬_¬ )


Din : He's in the kitchen-

When Din tried to finish Pur disapeared in front of their very own eyes

Din: How did he-

Lang : Relax he often does that but ull get use to it

Din: Okay.. Anyways may i take your order?

Lang : Of course ill get a coffee with a croissant please.

Din : Alright! And you sir?

Oti: Please call me Oti and this is my friend Lang, I would like a black coffee.

Din: Alr, anything else?

Oti: A cappuccinowith 2 biscuits for Pur.

Din: Alright! Your order will be done shortly. ^^

Din leaves

Lang: I wonder what happen to Pur?

New Chapter tomorrow morning! Cya guys!

Words: 395

Im in Love with 2 Mafia guys (Oti x Lang x Din) ( Pur x Bay)Where stories live. Discover now