Part 8

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Meanwhile with Pur and Bay at the store:

Bay: Godamn it I can't reach the top shelf 😡
(He was trying to get the chips on the topper shelf of the Ile)

Pur: Here let me help.. *he grabs the chips and hands em to Bay*

Bay: thank you! :)

Pur: No problem I will go get something to drink *he went to next Ile*

Bay: *he nodded* *he started walking and bumped into someone and falls*

Bay: ugh...I'm so sorry..

??: Oh it's nothin- Bay!?

Bay: *looks up* PAPA! *he got up and hugs him*

Kan: I missed you so much...

Bay: I Missed you too where's dad?

Kan: he's with lay they haven't seen each other in a while..

Bay: Oh alright! ^^

Pur comes back

Pur: Hey Bay I got the sodas-

Bay: great!

Kan: oh hey Pur haven't seen you in a while ☺️

Pur: hello Mister Kan nice to see you too...

Fact: Kan and Blay know Pur since he was born so it isn't a surprise he knows him and Lay even Kyle know Bay so yeah (I don't know if the og au know they had kids but we're still on part 51 so yeah we still have our suspense people 🥲🥲) Anyways BACK TO THE MOVIE-I MEAN STORY HEHE...god I need therapy-

Bay: wait you guys know eachother!?

Kan: of course we do you guys were such good friends when u guys were little

Pur: yeah..I don't remember much sorry...

Bay: same...

Kan: anyways I'll go I want to see how Kye and Lay are doing


Kan: yeah we can go see them

Pur: I'm you to pay and we'll see you there c'mon Bay *he grabs Bay's hand*

Bay: eh!? *He blushes* See you papa!

Kan: See you! birds Well i better go pay this too *he went to pay then took a taxi to Lay's house*

To be continued...

Im in Love with 2 Mafia guys (Oti x Lang x Din) ( Pur x Bay)Where stories live. Discover now