Part 5 ( The Hangout )

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At the park:


After Pur and Bay left the house to go on their date 😊. Oti,Lang and Din decided to follow them because they we're bored 😒
I don't blame em i would have done the same.


Bay: Thank you for inviting me Pur! 😊

Pur: No problem, I just wanted to hang out because we didn't for a while.. * blushes a bit *

Bay: * chuckles*

Pur: Soo wanna get ice cream?

Bay: YES! 🤩

Pur: Haha Alright come on * grabs Bay's hand *

They started walking towards the ice cream truck

Din: Awh.. i never seen Bay so happy 😭

Lang: Lol

Oti: Anyways after they leave wanna get ice cream you 2?

Din and Lang: YES!

Oti: * chuckles* Alright let's see what are they doing.😌

With Pur and Bay:

Girl: Hello! How can I help you two? ☺️

Pur: Hi miss, we would two ice creams.

Girl: Sure! What flavours?

Pur: One Vanilla and one Grape please.

Girl: Alright! That would be 4.50$

Pur: here * gives 4.50$ *

Girl: Thank you, here is your order!

Pur: Thank you * takes the ice creams *

Pur: Here Bay * gives the grape flavored ice cream to Bay 🍇 *

Bay: thank you Pur! 😊 * With a blush on his cheeks *

Pur: No problem * looks away *

They started walking towards a bench

Girl: God they r so cute together 😩

Oti: Hey miss are you still open?

Girl: GAH! * falls *

Din: ARE YOU ALRIGHT!? * Goes to help her *

Girl: Yeah I'm fine Don't worry About me 🥲

Din: Sorry we scared ya ^^'

Girl: It's fine Don't worry so how may I help you?

Lang: Well we wanted some ice cream ^^

Girl: Oh alright!

After they ordered

Din: Thank you so much! Bye have a nice day!

Girl: Np and you two!👋

Oti,Lang and Din: * waves back and go to sit somewhere where Pur and Bay doesn't see em *

Pur and Bay:

Bay: mmm... That was so good... ^^

Pur: * chuckles * come here.

Bay: Hm? * Goes closer to Pur *

Pur: * wipes with his finger where there was a bit of ice cream by Bay's mouth *

Bay: ! * Blushes* WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING HE'S SO NICE I THINK I'M ABOUT TO DIE     ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄

Pur: There ^^ His face was so soft...

Bay: * looks away *

Pur:  wanna go home?

Bay: alright I'm kinda tired tbh

Pur: Alright * gets up *

Bay: * gets up aswell *

Pur: * grabs Bay's hand and pulls him to him *

Bay: !

Pur: Hold tight

Bay: * hugs Pur and closes his eyes *

Pur: * soft smiles * he uses his magic to make a portal under their feet and teleported them back home *

Lang: Shit they are gonna find out that we aren't home!

Din: Relax i left a note saying that we went out (◠‿◕)

Lang: That's why i love you.

Oti: same.

Din: what?-     •//.//•

Lang and Oti: NOTHING!


I'm so sorry this was short but i wasn't feeling very well and I'll try update when i can bc i have exams these days 😭
Cya y'all

Im in Love with 2 Mafia guys (Oti x Lang x Din) ( Pur x Bay)Where stories live. Discover now