Part 6

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At home:

Pur: Bay you can open your eyes now

Bay: *opens eyes* Oh right.

Pur: It wasn't that bad c'mon

Bay: yeah.. I'm just gonna go and take a shower

Pur: Alright 😊

Bay left to go take a shower

Pur: * chuckles  and goes to his room to change *

With Bay:

Bay: *turns on the shower and takes off his clothes* perfect.
He enters the shower and starts washing himself

Pur comes in with a smirk on his face and goes into the shower where is Bay.


Pur: relax i just want to have fun..

Bay: WHA-

He was interrupted by Pur that started kissing him


Pur picked up Bay and pinned him to the wall his dick was in Bay's ass (his dick is 30 inches) 

Bay: ahh~ Pur go slower..

Pur: * smirks and starts going faster * Why I'm having fun~

Bay: *groans* fuck...

Pur then made Bay go on his knees and he sees his dick

Pur: suck it

Bay nodded , he then started sucking Pur's dick he enjoyed it..

Pur: * groans * Bay.. I'm gonna cum~

Bay: mmm~ * starts sucking faster *

Pur then pulled of Bay and pinned him to the his face was towards the wall

Pur: naughty devil~

Bay: ngh~

Pur then starts fucking Bay and Bay couldn't stop moaning Pur enjoyed his moans and started kissing his neck and it was full of hickeys and his body was it too. Pur then stop and let Bay breathe a bit and started washing themselves.
Bay's face was red and a bit of cum.

Pur: Did you enjoyed that darling~  * smiles *

Bay: fuck you..

Pur: we will do round 2 this night and i wont let you walk for a week.

Bay * gulps *

After they finished washing themselves they went to the room and changed  into comfy clothes

Bay: I'm just gonna go sleep. * lay's on the bed *

Pur: Alright darling~ * lay's next to him and Bay hugs him * Good night 😊

Bay: Goodnight..

They both fell asleep

Meanwhile with Oti,Lang and Din they heard everything and had a couple of nosebleeds but  they went out to buy some groceries with din having a bandage on his nose because he couldn't stop nosebleeding from what he just heard

To be continued...


Hey guys!
Sorry i didnt post because i was sick these days and kinda busy with exams but now since i don't have many exams this week I'll try to upload more recently and ty for 200+ READS!

Im in Love with 2 Mafia guys (Oti x Lang x Din) ( Pur x Bay)Where stories live. Discover now