Chapter two

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     After school, I usually go to rehearsal. I'm in theatre, and I'm currently doing my community theatre production of "Heathers". I'm playing Heather Mac. The person who's playing Veronica is Evelyn Vonts. Her sister also died the same night as mine, but unlike me her sisters death made her popular and everyone seems to care so much about her, but me? Hell no, they don't give a fuck about me.

     Evelyn has soft brown skin. She has really dark brown hair with curtain bangs dyed light brown. It's slightly wavy. Her eyes are a beautiful blue color. She's also chubby. People used to bully her for that in middle school, and I was always there for her when she was feeling stressed, but when she became popular she stopped talking to me, and she started ignoring my existence. She also hates me because she thinks it was my dad that killed her sister, even though I know that rumor is bull shit.

     I will admit, she has great vocals and her acting skills are good, but ever since she became popular, she's just been a big bitch. Even though I barely tolerate her, I will admit that with all of her popularity, we get a lot of people coming to our shows. Like last spring we did Willy Wonka, and the seats were almost completely sold out.

      As I entered the auditorium for rehearsals, Evelyn was the only one there. She was playing piano and singing "Thank U Next" by Ariana Grande, but she overdid it way too much. She was in key the entire time. More people started walking in the auditorium and just freezing at the sight of her singing, mesmerized by her performance. Not gonna lie, it was very mid, and I'm literally in a small band who barely gets anyone watching our shows besides a few friends and family.

     Evelyn thinks she has authorities just because she's lead, but everyone is afraid to stand up to her. She said, "can I have everybody's attention?" Everyone stood there and focused on her afraid to move or look away. "We are going to be doing a little acting excersize." Everyone was relieved that she wasn't saying something about how everyone can improve. "Can I have everyone on stage?" she asked. Everyone went on stage. "Everyone circle up," she said as everyone made a circle. I was annoyed but I did what she said.

     "Alright, first thing we're gonna do is close our eyes and breath for about 30 seconds." Everyone started taking deep breath's with their eyes closed. I took deep breaths, but I kept peeking every 5 seconds to check the time. "Alright everyone, now to get our voices ready we're going to warm up. Let's buzz our lips, then sing one syllable words, then do a scale." Everyone buzzed there lips for about a minute, then we sang "ho" and "la le li lo lu", then we did a scale 3 times, each time going higher and higher until only a couple of people could reach the notes.

     Then she said "Okay guys, now we're going to be getting our bodies moving." I was annoyed with her at this point. She was basically acting as our director. I still obeyed her, but I didn't want to. We first did a couple stretches, then we did jumping jacks and ran in place, then we did a wave thing. Every part I was more and more annoyed. She then started talking about some "team building excersize" when our director, Ms. Felz, and our choreographer, Mrs. Sint came in. Evelyn didn't realize kept rambling on about why this team building excersize was important. "Why are you telling them to do things Evelyn?" Ms. Felz asked, "you're not the director." Evelyn turned around, "uh... uhm... uh-" she said.

Everyone went silent and kept looking at Ms. Felz to Evelyn then back to Ms. Felz. Some kids awkwardly looked at each other, and others pretended not to look. "Evelyn, I know that your Veronica but that doesn't give you the right to start rehearsal without me." Ms. Felz said.

Mrs. Sint finally spoke. "Okay everyone, we're going to start from the top of "Beautiful" and correct the moves to make them perfect. We're opening in less than 3 weeks. We must get this dance down.

     We spent about half an hour working on the dance moves and just doing everything perfectly. It was exhausting, but I think we've improved. It's looking so much better than it did before. Then we spent about another half an hour perfecting the vocals while dancing. We then did the same with Candy Store, then rehearsal was over.

     I was about to leave when Evelyn bumped into me. I was about to apologize, but she was gone before a word could leave my mouth. I saw that she had dropped a paper on the ground. I picked it up to give it back to her, but I noticed it read To Finn. I was really confused, but I opened it up and read the note.

     Dear Finn, I know that you probably don't really like me, and I completely understand if you don't want to come, but if you are able to please meet me at the gas station on Willow Lane at 7:30pm on Saturday.
     ps, bring as many people as you'd like.

     What the actual fuck. Why does she want me there? And why does she want to me to bring other people? I was so confused.

     I grabbed my skateboard and raced home. It took about 10 minutes. Once I got back to my house, I immediately texted my bands group chat.

     Me: hi everyone, I have a question
     River: what's up?
     Me: I got a strange note from Evelyn
     Luke: What did the note say?
     Me: it basically said to meet her somewhere on saturday and bring as many people as I'd lik. Idk what it could be about tho
     Luke: That's really weird
     River: yeah
    Me: can you guys call? I feel like it would be easier to explain when I can hear your guy's voice and you can hear mine
     River: sure
     Luke: yeah, I can call
     Rylie: I have to finish this problem in math, can you guys call in about 5 minutes?
     Me: sure
     River: yeah
     Luke: yeah
     Rylie: alright

    I impatiently watched the clock and kept checking my phone for any notifications. Every minute felt like it took an hour, but finally, 6 minutes later, Rylie finally responded.

     I did a FaceTime call with everyone as I waited for everyone to answer. First Rylie, then Luke, then after a couple minutes, River finally answered with a bowl full of popcorn and a blanket wrapped around them. "Hey," they said, "how long have you guys been waiting."
     "Not too long," Rylie said, "just a couple minutes, that's all."
     "So, what did you want to talk about?" River asked.
     "This note." I said while I anxiously tapped my foot and bit my nails. I read the note out loud, and everyone had looks of shock and confusion on their face. Nobody dared to say a word for a couple minutes, until Rylie finally broke the awkward silence. "Well," she said, "do you have any ideas what she could be asking?"
     "Let's be honest," River replied, "this is Evelyn Vonts we're talking about. She's probably gonna either A, tell us to vote for her for class president, or B, she's setting you up for embarrassment."
     "But Evelyn wouldn't give a note to embarrass me," I said, "and she definitely wouldn't ask me of all people to talk about why she should be class president. The only ever times she makes conversation with me is when she's talking about our sisters. This can't be a coincidence."

     The room went dead silent again. Nobody dared to make a sound, nonetheless even move. For a split second I saw Luke move a little as if he was about to say something but hesitated. The silence was so loud, as if anyone were to break it, it would be deadly.

     After about 10 minutes, Rylie said, "I think we should go. Just to see what it's about. Maybe she believes your father is innocent."
     "Only if you guys come with me," I replied.
     "I'll go," Luke said.
     "Fine," River said, "I'll go."
     "Okay. Let's go this then." I said.

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