Chapter twenty-two

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     My fingers gently brushed against the vine. "Can i say a few words before doing this?"
     "Of course, say whatever you'd like." Rylie said.
     I took a deep breath. "Naomi, tonights the first time I've ever really talked to you, but you're an incredible person and a great friend. Im so glad I was able to meet you." Both of us got teary eyed, and I could tell the others were as well.
     "River," i said, "you have been an amazing friend to me. I couldn't imagine our band without you. I want you to know that you're enough. Keep Luke safe, and give him as much love as you can. You guys deserve each other so much, and I'm glad you're able to make it out of here with each other. And Luke, you're like a big brother to me. Ever since the first day of band in 6th grade, I knew we'd be best friends, and we have been. I want you to always be the best version of yourself that you can be. You are so smart, nice, and loving. Never change who you are for anyone."
     I sniffled and wiped away my tears. "And Rylie. You have always been there for me. You were there for me in some of my darkest times and always gave the best advice. I want to to keep the band together, and watch over Luke and River for me. We both know they'll do some really stupid shit."
     At this point we were all bawling our eyes out. We all gathered together for a group hug before i looked at the sky and saw the sun rising. I took a deep breath and stood next to the vine where I wrapped it tightly around my neck. "I love you all. Im ready." As i said that, Rylie grabbed her end of the vine and started pulling it so my feet were off the ground. I could barely breathe and my vision was starting to get blurry. I saw everyone in tears, looking down. I could feel my body going numb and tingly as I took my final breaths. I couldn't breath, and my vision went out, yet I could still hear my heart beating hard, but slowly fading out til i was nothing. I saw my life flash before my eyes, and i mean my entire life, before seeing a bright light that took me in.

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