Chapter three

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It was Saturday morning and I was still debating whether or not I should go. I mean, if I did go I'd have River, Luke, and Rylie, but if I don't go, I probably wouldn't miss much. There's a part of me that really doesn't want to go, but at the same time, there's a hunch telling me I shouldn't go. Maybe it won't be useless to go.

I went downstairs and grabbed a bowl. I poured fruit loops into my bowl followed by milk. I made coffee and added vanilla creamer and little bit of caramel. I took a pan and added bacon on it. In a smaller pan I put 4 eggs and scrambled them. While I waited for the bacon to be done, I added salt, pepper, cheese, and tomatoes to the eggs to make it bless bland. In the toaster I put in 2 bagels and I got homemade avocado butter out from fridge. I spread it on the bagel then I added the eggs and bacon to it.

I woke up my mom and gave her a bagel sandwich and the coffee. She was tired, and I could tell she was feeling a little sick. I could tell she was getting over her hangover. I wished she would stop drinking all the time. I wish she would stop getting high. I wish she would stop hitting me and yelling at me.

After Peyton died and dad got arrested, she's been strange. I honestly can't remember the last time she was sober. Sometimes I forget what she was even like before she started being abusive.

I went back downstairs and ate my cereal and the other sandwich. It was quiet. Peaceful, almost. I then went to my room and finished my geography homework. That took about 2 hours to do because of all the questions. On the whole packet there was 37 questions, and I did about 20. It was boring and long.

I looked at the time. 11:22. I looked at my phone and saw a text from River. Have you decided whether you'll go or not?
I messaged back, I think I'm gonna go, as long as you come with me.
He replied, I'll go.
See ya later then
C ya!

I looked at the time again. 11:23. I looked back at my phone, then to the clock again. I starred at my wall for a few minutes, then I looked back at my phone. This time, I decided to text the group chat. Hey y'all. Me and river were talking, and I think we're gonna go later. Do you guys want to come?
Luke: I'll come
Rylie: me too
Me: alright, it's official. We're going
River: yup
Me: I hope I don't regret this
River: you probably will
Me: stfu
River: sorry ig
Luke: Anyways, I'll see you guys tonight. My mom is making me clean my room
Rylie: alright, bye Luke!
Luke: Bye!
Me: bye
River: bye
Me: so, how should we show up? All individually, or should we all meet at the McDonald's across the street and go over together?
River: I say we meet up at the McDonald's
Rylie: ok, I'm down
Me: alright, we're meeting up at McDonald's
River: I'll tell Luke that
Me: ok
Rylie: kk

I layed down on my bed and closed my eyes. I took a few deep breaths in, then sat up. I was so tired. Right as I was about to grab my guitar to practice, I heard the sound of shattering glass. I got up right away and ran downstairs. "Mom," I said, "are you okay?"
My mom grabbed a glass while saying "shut the fuck up florence!"
I cautiously walked closer to her. "Mom," I gulped, "set the glass down now." I extended my arm to her slowly while trying to grab hold of the glass. "Hand it to me mom, please."
"Shut the fuck up!" She shrieked, "you are the worst fucking daughter to exist! You're a fucking bitch! I wished you died instead of your sister! At least she wasn't a psychopath like you are. I mean who the fuck likes more than 1 gender! It's either male or female, none of this other gender bullshit that you keep saying you are! You're a girl! Girls are supposed to date guys, have sex, and give birth, not change who they are! You should wear dresses and skirts not suits! You're supposed to have long hair not short! I swear I need to put your ass in a fucking mental hospital because my beautiful daughter Florence would never act the way you do you whore!"

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