Chapter sixteen

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     I was starting to loose hope. I had no idea what time it was. For all I know I could've been in a coma for a while and everyone already escaped. Or died. Or maybe I might even be in the after life right now, or having a hallucination. Everything felt real as it was happening, but now I'm questioning my reality. I pinched myself, and then slapped myself in the face a couple times, and I was able to tell that I wasn't dreaming, unless if I somehow figured out a way to feel pain in my dream.

     I closed my eyes for a few seconds as I took deep breaths. With each breath I took, I felt a sinking sensation. I thought I was just tired. Maybe I could just fall asleep and wake up in the woods as the sun was rising with everyone alive and the curse defeated.

     I began to allow myself to fall asleep. I knew I couldn't get out of here, so why not sleep. If I die I die, and that's the end of that. No more pain or suffering, though I would be disappointed that I never got to say a final goodbye.

     Once I fell asleep, I knew I was in a dream. I started walking. I was in the same dark room I was in, except this time I saw more clues. I looked at the book, and I realized the chant wasn't a chant at all. The words were too blurry to read exactly what it said, but it was something along the lines of before the sun rises, the tasks must be completed. I couldn't read the rest because it was ripped out of the book.

     This time, I noticed there wasn't a picture, however there was a metal chip. I carefully put my finger on it, and a screen popped up. The images were blurry, but I could tell they were all people in the group. I noticed something else, but I never got the chance to pick it out, because I woke up. I however was no longer in that dark endless void of a room.

     Surrounding me, I saw 5 people. I rubbed my eyes thinking I was miscounting, but I still saw only 5. "Who's-" I said, but Rylie replied by saying "Xavier's dead, and one of us will be next if we don't figure out how to properly do the last 2 tasks."
     Luke said, "yeah, we need all hands on deck for the last 2. We can't figure at out how to do them."
     "Not to like rush you since you just woke up from passing out again, but we're all tired and want to try and make it home, so if we can complete these next 2 tasks by morning so we can leave early that would be great." River said while slowly loosing breath from talking fast.
"Okay." I said, "lets do this."

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